Igor G. Semakin
15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Phone, Fax, e-mail
+7 (342) 239-64-09, (342) 239-65-84, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Perm State University, Faculty of Physics, 1969.
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Kazakh State University (Alma Ata), 1980.
Doctor of Pedagogics, Omsk State Pedagogical University, 2002.
Professor, 2009.
Stages of Professional Career
Part-programming Engineer, The Perm State University Computation Centre, 1969-1979.
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Applied Mathematics, Perm State University, 1979-1981.
Senior Lecturer, Department of Applied Mathematics, Perm State University, 1981-1989.
Reader, Department of Applied Mathematics, Perm State University, 1989-2003.
Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Perm State University, since 2003.
Research Project Management
Grant of Open Society Foundation (Soros Foundation) for writing of Computer Science textbook for schools, 1996.
Grant of the National Foundation for Professional Development for writing of Computer Science textbook for 10-11 grades of a humanitarian-oriented school, 2000.
Grant of National Foundation of Professional Development for the development of Digital Education Resource Collection for the school course of Computer Science, 2005-2007.
Grant for the writing of the Study Guide “Fundamentals of Information and Communication Competence of a student of Faculty of Physics” as a part of the National Project “Education” at Perm State University, 2008.
Participation in International Programmes
Participation in the Project of UNESCO Institute of Information Technologies in Education. “Professional development of teachers in the sphere of Information and Communication Technology”.
Organisation of the seminars for the educationalists of Azerbaijan (Baku – 2003) and Armenia (Yerevan – 2004).
Current Research Activities
The main fields of scientific research are Theory and Methods of Computer Science Teaching and Information Technology Support for Education. I.G. Semakin is one of the scientific leaders in the Theory and Methods of Computer Science Teaching. He is the leading author and supervisor of the author group who has edited since 1998 year more than 15 textbooks in Computer Science for comprehensive schools, vocational and higher schools. I.G. Semakin is director of the Post-graduate Course in the specialty “Theory and Methods of Teaching”. Four Candidate Dissertations have been done under his supervision.
In the sphere of Computer Science Teacher Training I.G. Semakin participated in the development of the educational complex “Thematic and methodological training of teachers of Computer Science” for higher education institutions. The co-authors of the complex were E.K. Khenner and his colleagues from Omsk, Krasnoyarsk and Voronezh. All the complexes got the visa of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation. The complete set was nominated for the Award of the Russian Federation Government.
I.G. Semakin works with Computer Science teachers and methodologists, leaders of the education system in many regions of the Russian Federation. He organises educational seminars, consultations, delivers master classes, and takes part in regional pedagogical conferences. The meetings are organised in twenty regions of Russia, which cover the territory form the Baltic to the Far East.
Since 2005 the researcher has taken active part in the realisation of the Departmental Scientific Programme of the Federal Education Agency “Development of Higher School Scientific Potential”.
Academic and other Awards
Medal of K.D. Ushinsky (in the sphere of education).
Total Number of Publications 155
Scientific articles – 130.
Monographs – 1.
Textbooks (Study Guides) – 25.
Selected Publications
1. Lapchik M.P., Semakin I.G., Khenner E.K. et al. Theory and Methodology of Computer Science Teaching (textbook). Moscow: “Academy” Press, 2008. Education and Methodic Association visa (pedagogical education). (In Russian)
2. Kornienko S.I., Malanin V.V., Osipennikova Y.V., Semakin I.G., Khenner E.K. Development of Information and Communication Competence of university graduates (monograph). Perm State University. Perm, 2007. (In Russian)
3. Semakin I.G. Competence, Education, Culture (article). Journal “Computer Science and education”, Iss. 1, 2002. (In Russian)
4. Semakin I.G. From the education purposes to the content of the school course of Computer Science. Journal “Information Studies and Education”, Iss. 2, 2002. pp. 27-31. (In Russian)
5. Semakin I.G., Zalogova L.A., Rusakov S.V., Shestakova L.V. Computer Science and Information and Communication Technology. Textbook for the 8th grade (textbook). Moscow: Binomial. The Laboratory of Knowledge, 2005. The Ministry of Science and Education visa. (In Russian)
6. Semakin I.G., Zalogova L.A., Rusakov S.V., Shestakova L.V. Computer Science and Information and Communication Technology. Textbook for the 9th grade (textbook). Moscow: Binomial. The Laboratory of Knowledge, 2005. The Ministry of Science and Education visa. (In Russian)
7. Semakin I.G., Khenner E.K. Computer Science and Information and Communication Technology. Elementary. 10-11 grades (textbook) Moscow: Binomial. The Laboratory of Knowledge, 2007. The Ministry of Science and Education visa. (In Russian)
8. Semakin I.G., Sheina T.U., Shestakova L.V. Computer Science and Information and Communication Technology. Profile. 10 grades (textbook) Moscow: Binomial. The Laboratory of Knowledge, 2010. The Ministry of Science and Education visa. (In Russian)
9. Semakin I.G., Khenner E.K. The profile education in school as step of informatics and information technology specialists training. (article) Journal “Information Technology Support for Education and Science”. Iss. 1, 2011. (In Russian).