Evgeny K. Khenner
15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
Information Technology Department
Phone, Fax, e-mail
+7 (342) 237-62-99, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Perm State University, Faculty of Physics, 1969.
Post-graduate study, Perm State University, 1971.
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Kazan State University, 1973.
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Kazan Physical and Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1991.
Reader, Department of Mathematical Analysis, 1974.
Professor, Department Computer Science and Computation Technology, 1991.
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, 2008.
Stages of Professional Career
Laboratory Assistant, Department of Theoretical Physics, Perm State University, 1971-1972.
Assistant Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader, Department of Mathematical Analysis, Perm State Pedagogical Institute/University (PSPU), 1972-1985.
Head of Department of Computer Science and Computation Technology, Perm State Pedagogical University, 1985-1989.
Head of Department of Computer Science and Computation Technology, Perm State Pedagogical University, 1989-2002 (second job)
Dean of Faculty of Mathematics, Perm State Pedagogical University, 1989-1997.
Dean of Faculty of Computer Science and Economics, Perm State Pedagogical University, 1997-2002.
Vice-Rector for Informatisation, Perm State University (PSU) – 2002-2005.
Prorector for Scientific Research and Innovations, Perm State University, 2005 - present time.
Head of Department Information Technology, Perm State University (second job): 2002 - present time.
Membership in Academic Councils and other State and Public Associations
Member of Perm State University Scientific Council, since 2002.
Member of Omsk State Pedagogical University Dissertation Council, specialty “Theory and Methods of Teaching” (Mathematics, Computer Science), since 2002.
Full Member of the Russian Academy of Information Technology Support for Education, since 1996.
Full Member of the International Academy of Information Technology Support for Education, since 1998.
Research Project Management
1. Development of the educational environment model and intelligence information support system in the innovation university. Within the Federal Target Program «Scientific and Teaching Staff of Innovative Russia for 2009-2013». 2009-2010.
2. Development of models, methods and technologies of information resources formation and use for university Information Technology specialist training. Within the Analytic Departmental Target Program of the Russian Federal Education Agency «Development of Higher Education Scientific Potential». 2009-2010.
3. Development of scientific and technique support of the branch program for computer literacy and Information and Communication Technology competence monitoring and certification. Ordered by the Federal State Institution State Research Institute of Information Technologies and Telecommunications «Informica» (Moscow). 2009.
4. Development of conception and technology of the Classical University Information Technology education system in highly-developed educational environment. Within the Analytic Departmental Target Program of the Russian Federal Education Agency «Development of Higher Education Scientific Potential». 2008.
5. Development of the Regional Target Program «Electronic Prikamye» (2008-2010). Ordered by the Perm Region Government. 2007.
6. Development of the scientific and teaching methodological system of specialised Information and Communication Technology training to provide the competitiveness of school-leavers. Within the Analytic Departmental Target Program of the Russian Federal Education Agency «Development of Higher Education Scientific Potential». 2006-2007.
7. Development of the technique for information resources use in specialised school training in the open education paradigm. Within the Analytic Departmental Target Program of the Russian Federal Education Agency «Development of Higher Education Scientific Potential». 2006-2007.
8. Development of principles of computer literacy and Information and Communication Technology competence formation and control of educationalists. Ordered by the Federal State Institution State Research Institute of Information Technologies and Telecommunications «Informica» (Moscow). 2006.
9. Development of scripts and teacher guides for computer practical workshop in the course «Computer Science». Ordered by the limited liability company «Cyril and Methodius» (within the Russian Federal Education Agency program). 2006.
10. Development of interactive resources for professional development of educationalists in the Information and Communication Technology professional use and development of associated courseware (compact discs). Ordered by the Department of Education of the Perm Region. 2005.
11. Development of the courseware for the specialty «Applied Computer Science (in education)». Ordered by the Department of Education of the Perm Region. 2005.
12. Development of the conception of the regional component of education (elementary, middle and secondary school). Ordered by the Department of Education of the Perm Region. 2005.
13. Development of advanced teacher training programmes in Information and Communication Technology professional use for secondary school teachers and education institution supervisors. Within the Analytic Departmental Target Program of the Russian Federal Education Agency «Development of Higher Education Scientific Potential». 2005.
14. Implementation of the software complex «Regional pedagogical data bank» in the Perm Region. Ordered by the Department of Education of the Perm Region. 2005.
15. Development of the scientifically-grounded technique of the software complex «Regional pedagogical data bank» use and import of electronic documents. Ordered by the Department of Education of the Perm Region. 2004.
16. Development of criteria and principles of information system functioning and its experimental operation to establish the Perm Branch of Institute for IT implementation in education (the Russian Academy of Education). Ordered by the Department of Education of the Perm Region. 2004.
17. Modernization of education standards in the aspect of innovative Information Technologies. According to the joint order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Department of Education of the Perm Region. Within the Programme «Federal and Regional Policy in Science and Education». 2003-2004.
18. Development of courseware support for in-service training of educationalists in the sphere of new Information Technologies and telecommunication use in the educational process and education management. Ordered by the Department of Education of the Perm Region. 2003.
19. Software designing for development of regional pedagogical data bank. Ordered by the Department of Education of the Perm Region. 2003.
20. Integrated study of regional education problems. Ordered by the Department of Education of the Perm Region. 2003.
21. Development of unified requirements and system of practical tasks for assessment of Information and Communication Technology competence of students of pedagogical universities. Ordered by the Federal State Institution State Research Institute of Information Technologies and Telecommunications «Informica» (Moscow). 2003.
22. Data gathering and electronic data processing of the level of IT implementation in education in the Perm Region. Ordered by the Moscow University of Steel and Alloys within the Programme «Development of the Uniform Educational Environment» of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. 2002.
23. Development of the courseware «Theoretical Computer Science» for professional training of students of pedagogical universities. Within the scientific and technical Programme of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation «Scientific, methodological, logistic and information provision of the education system». 2001.
24. Development of courseware in the sphere of natural-science education (subject domain «Computer Science»). Within the scientific and technical Programme of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation «Scientific, methodological, logistic and information provision of the education system». 2001.
25. Development of the courseware «Computer-aided Mathematical Modeling» for the professional training of students of pedagogical universities. Within the scientific and technical Programme of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation «Scientific, methodological, logistic and information provision of education system». 2000.
26. Development of principles of functioning of the integrated system of IT implementation in education at the regional level, its scientific provision and methodological and organisation management support. Within the scientific and technical Programme of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation «Scientific, methodological, logistic and information provision of the education system». 2000.
27. Investigation of effectiveness of the information system emulators for professional training of students of pedagogical universities. Ordered by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. 2000.
28. Testing, further development and Internet import of courseware for the course «Computer-aided Modeling» for pedagogical universities. The project of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation «Academic-institutional educational and scientific complex «Riphean». 2000.
29. Investigation of structure and contents of computer-aided modeling training program in the fields of natural-science and specialties of pedagogical universities, and development of the courseware components. Ordered by the Federal State Institution State Research Institute of Information Technologies and Telecommunications «Informica» (Moscow). 2000.
30. Programme of IT implementation in education in the Perm Region. Ordered by the Department of Education of the Perm Region. 1999.
31. Conception of regional education standard system for general educational institutions of the Perm Region. Ordered by the Central Education Authority of the Perm Region. 1996.
32. Programme of IT implementation in education of the Perm Region for 1995-1998 (second stage). Ordered by the Central Education Authority of the Perm Region. 1995.
33. Regional Programme for computerisation and IT implementation in comprehensive schools and technical schools of the Perm Region. Ordered by the Central Education Authority of the Perm Region. 1992.
Current Research Activities
Investigation of the problems of Information and Communication Technology Competence development and its control among teachers, schoolchildren and students.
Development of models, methods and technologies of creation and use of information resources for specialist training in the sphere of Computer Science and Information Technologies in the higher professional education.
Development of the conception and technology of Computer Science teaching in classical university in the context of highly developed information and educational environment.
Development of technologies for improvement of Computer science teaching in advanced school.
Academic and other Awards
Laureate of the Award of the President of the Russian Federation in the sphere of education, 1997.
Medal of K.D. Ushinsky (in the sphere of education), 1996.
Badge “For Excellence in Work”. The Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR, 1985.
Badge “High Achiever of Public Education”, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, 1994.
Laureate of the First Degree Award of the Perm Region in the sphere of Pedagogics and Psychology, 2009.
Participation in International Programmes
Supervisor of the Project of UNESCO Institute of Information Technologies in Education. “Professional development of teachers in the sphere of Information and Communication Technology”.
Organisation of the seminars for the educationalists of Azerbaijan (Baku – 2003) and Armenia (Yerevan – 2004).
Total Number of Publications
Scientific articles – 88.
Monographs – 4.
Textbooks and Study Guides – 20.
Certificates of Authorship – 4.
Selected Publications
1. Semakin I.G., Khenner E.K. Specialised education at school as a stage of Information Technology specialist training. IT implementation in education and science. № 1, 2011. pp. 3-14. (In Russian)
2. Semakin I.G., Khenner E.K. School Computer Science at the new stage of development. Computer Science and education. №10, 2010. pp. 5-13. (In Russian)
3. Kuznetsov A.A., Khenner E.K., Imakaev V.R., Novikova O.N. Problems of development of Information and Communication Technology competence of the teacher of Russian school. Education and science. № 7, 2010. pp. 88-96. (In Russian)
4. Rusakov S.V., Semakin I.G., Henner E.K. Analysis of the structure of Information Technology specialist training in Russian universities. Education issues. №3, 2010. pp. 135-151. (In Russian)
5. Kuznetsov A.A, Khenner E.K., Imakaev V.R., Novikova O.N., Chernobay E.V. Information and Communication Competence of a modern teacher. Information Studies and Education. Iss. 4. 2010. pp. 3-11. (In Russian)
6. Khenner E.K. IT-implementation in education – already 25 years, just 25 years… The 25th anniversary of IT implementation in the sphere of education and science (symposium book). The Russian Academy of Education. The Institute for IT-implementation in Education. Moscow, 2009. pp. 136-146. (In Russian)
7. Makarikhin I.Y. Khenner E.K. Concept of intelligence information system of support of educational environment in the innovative university. University management: practice and analysis. №5, 2009. pp. 36-40. (In Russian)
8. Vetrov A.L., Malanin A.V., Khenner E.K. Business-incubator of high technologies at Perm State University: practical experience and problems of development. Symposium book of the Scientific and Practical Seminar «Russian Education in the Pan-European Educational Environment». Iss. 5. Integration of education, science and business – the basis of the innovation economics development (practice of Russia, Netherlands, Belgium and CIS countries). Moscow, Moscow State University, 2009. pp. 57-62. (In Russian)
9. Gagarina D.A., Khenner E.K. The structure of highly developed educational environment of the innovative university. University management: practice and analysis. №3, 2009. pp. 69-73. (In Russian)
10. Semakin I.G., Khenner E.K. The university system of Information Technology education in highly developed educational environment. Pedagogical Computer Science. № 1, 2009. pp. 51-60. (In Russian)
11. Henner E.K. Structure building and formalisation of the requirements for computer literacy and Information and Communication Technology competence of the subjects in the continuing education system. IT implementation in education and science. №2, 2009. pp. 71-85.(In Russian)
12. Khenner E.K. Computer literacy and Information and Communication Technology competence of the subjects of continuing education system. Computer Science and education. №3, 2009. pp. 4-9. (In Russian)
13. Melekhin V.A. The structural information model of scientific activity of the classical university. University management: practice and analysis. №6, 2008. (In Russian)
14. Skuratov A.K., Khenner E.K., Bogdanov M.Y., Boyashova S.A., Yarnykh V.V., Perevalov V.V., Makarov S.I. Branch centre for computer literacy and Information and Communication Technology competence monitoring and certification in the Russian education system. Distance learning and virtual learning. №6, 2008. pp. 54-62. (In Russian)