State Power, Law and Morality
Basic Divisions: Department of Theory and History of State and Law; Department of Constitutional and Financial Law.
Brief Description of Research Activities
The problems of organisation and work of state power, its legal and moral foundations take the leading part in the investigation of transitional societies. The specificity of functioning of power institutions objectively determines increase of state power influence on relations; and in this aspect law and morality are regarded as the main factors of control of the elements of authoritarianism and totalitarianism. The main researches are aimed at searching for optimal ways of state power rationalization activity and effective legal forms of its influence on social relations.
Selected Publications Characterising Scientific Research Trend
1. Bondarev A.S. Legal counter-culture in legal system of society / Perm State University. Perm, 2006. 192p.(In Russian)
2. Bondarev A.S. Legal liability and irresponsibility – aspects of legal culture and counter-culture of law subjects. St. Petersburg: “Juristic Centre Press Press”, 2008. 315p. (In Russian)
3. Zakomlistov A.F. Philosophy-legal doctrine of Judicial Ethics / Perm State University, Perm. 2000. 267p. (In Russian)
4. Zakomlistov A.F. Philosophy of Law. St. Petersburg: “Law Centre Press”, 2003. 548p. (In Russian)
5. Kislitsin I.M. On the legal status of the nation-wide vote on December, 12th and the results of its application. / Perm University Herald. Legal Sciences. 2010. Issue 3 (9). P.62-72. (In Russian)
6. Kochev V.A. State power in the Russian Federation: constitutional and legal foundations of correlation / Perm State University, Perm, 2000. 210p. (In Russian)
7. Kochev V.A. Foundations of Constitutional Law of the subjects of the Russian Federation: study-guide / Perm State University, Perm, 2000. 180p. (In Russian)
8. Polyakov S.B. Legal liability of State. Moscow: Jurisprudence World, 2007. 432p. (In Russian)
9. Reutov V.P. Functional nature of the law system / Perm State University. Perm. 2002. 163p. (In Russian)
Training of Researchers
Post-graduate programme in specialties: “Theory and History of Law and State: History of Law and State Studies”, “Constitutional Law; Municipal Law”