Pavel Y. Rakhshmir

Perm State University
Faculty of History and Politology
Modern and Contemporary History Department
15, Bukireva Street, Perm 614990
Phone, Fax, e-mail
+7 (342) 239-62-84, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
1958 – Perm State University, History Department, Faculty of History and Philology.
Аcademic Degrees and Titles
1965 – Candidate of History, Perm State University.
1975 – Doctor of History, Perm State University.
Stages of Professional Career
1960–1964 – Assistant, Perm State University.
1964–1967 – Senior Teacher, Perm State University.
1967–1979 – Reader, Perm State University.
1979 – present time – Professor, Perm State University.
1987 – present time – Head of Modern and Contemporary History Department, Perm State University.
Membership in Academic Councils, other State and Public Associations
Member of the Dissertation Council K.212.189.04; DM. 212. 296.04.
1989–1991 – member of the Expert Council for World History of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles of the USSR.
Research Project Management
1. 1993 - “Conservatism as a social-political and spiritual phenomenon”.
2. 1995 – “The idea of continuity and political traditions”.
3. 1997 – The grant of Russian Scientific Foundation for the Humanities. “Evolution of conservatism in the XVIII-XXth centuries”.
4. 2000 – “Multiculturalism and main political movements of the present”. The grant of Russian Scientific Foundation for the Humanities.
5. 2001 – The grant of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “Conservatism and civilization demands of the present” (Contest centre of the Ural State University).
6. 2005 – The grant within the Programme “Universities of Russia” of the Ministry of Education “The idea of Empire in the USA”.
7. 2010 – The grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “Transatlantic Collisions of the XXIth century and Russia: political and cultural aspects”.
Participation in International Projects
2008 – The grant of John D. and Katherin T. McArthur Foundation. “Political communities from the civil-political and scientific point of view”.
Current Research Activities
Research of political and spiritual culture of the West (the USA and Western Europe) in modern and contemporary history, evolution of the Western political thought (XIX-XXIth centuries), modern political ideologies; problems of consensus between conservatism and liberalism in modern and contemporary history; political and cultural aspects of transatlantic collisions of the XXth century with regard to Russia; working on the historical and biographical dictionary “Conservatism” (jointly with Perm branch of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and foreign specialist participation).
Academic and other Awards
1997 – Medal of Honour.
2006 – Meritorious Scientist of Russia.
2009 – Honoured Citizen of the Perm Region.
Total Number of Publications
Scientific articles – over 120.
Monographs – 6.
Textbooks (Study Guides) – 2.
Selected Publications
1. Rakhshmir P.Y. History of Fascism in Western Europe. Moscow: Science, 1978. (chapters written by P.Y. Rakhshmir: Fascism in England, France and minor countries of Western Europe; Historiography of fascism; Conclusion). (In Russian)
2. Rakhshmir P.Y. The origin of fascism. Moscow: Science, 1981. (Der Ursprung des Faschismus. Moskau, Progress, 1981). (In Russian)
3. Kertman L.E., Rakhshmir P.Y. Bourgeoisie in Western Europe and Northern America countries. Moscow: High School, 1984. (In Russian)
4. Galkin A.A., Rakhshmir P.Y. The past and the present of conservatism. Moscow: Science, 1987. (In Russian)
5. Rakhshmir P.Y. Prince Metternich: man and politician. Perm, 2005. (In Russian)
6. Rakhshmir P.Y. American conservatives and Empire idea. Perm, 2007. (In Russian)
7. Rakhshmir P.Y. Evolution of conservatism in modern and contemporary history // Modern and Contemporary History. 1990. №1 (In Russian)
8. Rakhshmir P.Y. Conservatism and liberalism: metamorphoses of consensus // Polis. 2005. №5. (In Russian)
9. Rakhshmir P.Y. American conservatives and Empire idea // Modern and Contemporary History. 2008. №4. (In Russian)
10. Rakhshmir P.Y. Transatlantic collisions and Russia // Russia and the West: historical experience of the XIX-XXth centuries. Moscow: World History Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2008. (In Russian)
11. Rakhshmir P.Y. Great Britain Tories: renaissance or decline? // Modern and Contemporary History. 2011. №1. (In Russian)
12. Rakhshmir P.Y. Ideas and people. Political thought in the first half of the XXth century. Perm, 2011. (In Russian)

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