Maxim A. Bulahtin

15 Bukireva, Perm, 614990
Russian Federation
Perm State University
Faculty of History and Politology,
Department of Modern and Contemporary History
Phone, fax, e-mail
+7(342) 239-62-84, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Perm State University, Faculty of History. 1993 г.
Post-graduate study. Lomonosov Moscow State University. 1996 .
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of History. 1997. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Doctor of History. 2010. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Stages of Professional Career
Assistant, Perm State University, 1996–1999.
Senior Lecturer, Perm State University, 1999–2004.
Reader, Perm State University, 2004–2011.
Professor, Perm State University, 2011.
Membership in Academic Councils
Member of Dissertation Council DM. 212. 296.04.
Current Research Activities
Study of the history of Poland, history of international affairs. Elaboration of the problems of Polish conservatism in modern and contemporary time, investigation of sociocultural aspects of modern international affairs. M.A. Bulahtin is writing the monograph «Polish conservative V.L. Yavorsky as a person and politician». Together with the researchers of Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Institution of Slavonic studies RAS (Moscow) he participates in preparation of the academy publication «Political history of Poland in XXth century».
Total Number of Publications
Scientific articles – 40.
Monograph – 1.
Selected Publications
1. Bulahtin М.А. Between politics and morality: Cracovian conservatives at the beginning of XXth century. Perm, 2006. 302 p. (in Russian)
2. Bulahtin М.А. Cracovian conservatives and the Ukrainian political camp in Galicia at the beginning of XXth century. // Vestnik MSU. Ser. History. 2007. Issue 2. pp. 68–79. (in Russian)
3. Bulahtin М.А. Cracovian conservatives and democratic challenges at the beginning of XX century// Voprosi Istorii. 2007. № 8. pp. 145–150. (in Russian)
4. Bulahtin М.А. Russophiles and Cracovian conservatives in conditions of political struggle in Galicia at the turn of XIX-XXth centuries // Vestnik of  I.Kant Baltic Russian State University. Ser. Humanities. 2007. Issue. 12. pp. 47–53. (in Russian)
5. Bulahtin М.А. «With Carpatho-Russians we can live in peace» // RODINA. 2008. № 4. pp. 81–82. (in Russian)
6. Bulahtin М.А. To the problem of relations of political parties in Galicia at the beginning of XXth century // Slavyanovedenie. 2008. № 4. p. 18–26. (in Russian)
7. Bulahtin М.А. Cracovian conservatives and interethnic affairs in Galicia at the beginning of XXth century // Vestnik MSU. Ser. History. 2008. № 5. pp. 58–64. (in Russian)
8. Bulahtin М.А. Family, upbringing and politics: from pedagogical experience of the Polish conservative V.L. Yavorsky // Teaching history at school: special edition. 2008. № 2. pp. 7–10. (in Russian)
9. Bulahtin М.А. Principles and compromises: evolution of relationship of «Cracovian conservatives» and Polish socialists in Austria-Hungary at the beginning of XXth century // Chelyabinsk State University Herald. Ser. History. 2008. Issue 27, № 34. pp. 84–89. (in Russian)
10. Bulahtin М.А. Cracovian conservatives and Polish episcopate of Galicia: the crisis of relations at the beginning of XXth century // Izvestiya of Ural State University. Ser. 2: Human sciences. 2008. Issue 16. № 59. pp. 92–103. (in Russian)
11. Bułachtin M.A. Konflikt konserwatystów krakowskich z łacińskim Episkopatem Galicji w sprawie reformy wyborczej do Sejmu Krajowego w 1913 roku // Miscellanea. Studia Iuridica. Warszawa, 2006. T. 45. S. 31–41. (in Polish)
12. Bułachtin M.A. Konserwatyści polscy a reforma ustawodawstwa wyborczego Galicji na początku XX wieku // Zeszyty prawnicze 7.1. Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego. Wydział Prawa i Administracji. Warszawa, 2007. S. 101–112. (in Polish)

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