Georgy N. Chagin

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of History and Politology
Department of Ancient and Modern History
Phone, Fax, e-mail
+7 (342) 239-62-81, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
1967 – Perm State University, Faculty of History.
1982 – Candidate of History, Miklouho-Maclay Institute of Ethnography, the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
1996 – Doctor of History, Miklouho-Maclay Institute of Ethnography and Anthropology, the Russian Academy of Sciences.
1991 – Reader, Perm State University.
1997 – Professor, Perm State University.
Stages of Professional Career
1974-1986 – Senior Lecturer, Department of Ancient and Modern History, Faculty of History, Perm State University.
1991-1997 – Reader, Perm State University.
1995 – present time – Head of Department of Ancient and Modern History, Faculty of History, Perm State University.
Membership in Academic Councils, other State and Public Associations
Member of United Dissertation Council, Udmurtia State University, specialties “Ethnography, Ethnology, Anthropology”, “Archeology”, “National History”. Izhevsk.
Since 1997 – Chairman of Perm regional branch of the All-Russian Community “Encyclopedia of Russian Villages”.
Since 1989 – Chairman of Scientific Council of the Perm Regional Local History Museum.
Since 1998 – Chairman of United Scientific Council of the Regional State Archives.
Since 1993 – member of Coordination Council for National Matters of the Perm Region Governor Administration.
Since 2009 – member of  Perm Region Public Chamber.
Since 1996 – member of M.A. Castrén Community.
Research Project Management
1. Grant of Perm Region Governor Administration – “Ethnic and Interethnic Interactions in the Perm Region at the present stage”.
2. Grant of Autonomous non-commercial Organisation “Initiative – “Old Believers of the Volga-Kama Region” (Moscow).
3. Grant of the Home Policy Department of the Perm Region Governor Administration – “The Modern State of Ethnicity of the Komi-Yazva Peoples”.
4. Grant of “Lukoil – Perm Co Ltd” – “Communion with the Orthodox Culture of the Stroganov Estate in the Perm Region”.
5. Grant of “Lukoil – Perm Co Ltd” – “Festivals and Rituals of the Kama Region Peoples”.
Participation in International Projects
1. Project “The State of Ethnicity of the Mari Diaspora in the Urals”. Jointly with the Institute of Russia and Eastern Europe, Finland.
2. Project “Finno-Ugric Collections in the Museums of Russia”. Jointly with the Museum Board of Finland.
Current Research Activities
Study ethnogenesis and ethnocultural development of the peoples of the Urals and neighbouring regions; reconstruction of traditional culture of the East-Slavic, Finno-Ugric, Turkic peoples; study of evolution of the tradition complexes determined by natural, migratory and economic processes; study of Christianization  and accession of the Perm the Great to the Russian State.
The Kama Ethnographic Expedition guidance (Perm State University) – since 1975.
Academic and other Awards
2004 – Honorary scientist of the Russian Federation.
2007 – Meritorious Scientist of Russia.
Total Number of Publications
Scientific articles – 465.
Monographs – 26.
Textbooks (with the visa of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and Education and Methodic Association of classical universities) – 1.
Selected Publications
1. Chagin G.N. Cherdyn: Brief historical sketch. Perm, 1972. (In Russian)
2. Chagin G.N. In the ancient Perm land. Moscow, 1988. (In Russian)
3. Chagin G.N. The Chud antiquities of the Riphean: the Perm animal style (in co-authorship). Perm, 1988. (In Russian)
4. Chagin G.N. Rural settlement in the Northern Kama Region (the second half of the XVIth-the early XXth century) // Demographic processes in the Urals during the Middle Ages. Sverdlovsk, 1990. (In Russian)
5. Chagin G.N. Culture and way of life of Russian peasantry of the Middle Urals in the middle of the XIXth-the early XXth century: Ethnic traditions of the material life. Perm, 1991. (In Russian)
6. Chagin G.N. The Yazva peoples of the Perm Region: history and traditions. Perm, 1993. (In Russian)
7. Chagin G.N. Views and traditional ritualism of Russian peasantry of the Middle Urals in the middle of the XIXth-the early XXth century. Perm, 1993. (In Russian)
8.  Chagin G.N. History and destiny of traditional everyday culture of the Perm-Kama Region peoples // Ethnic and demographic processes in the northern republics and regions of Russia (history and present time). Syktyvkar, 1994. (In Russian)
9. Chagin G.N. Natural environment and peculiarities of cultural and community traditions of the peoples in the Middle Urals in the middle of the XIXth-the first half of the XXth century // Material culture of the peoples of Russia. Vol. 1. Novosibirsk, 1995. (In Russian)
10. Chagin G.N. Ethnocultural history of the Middle Urals at the end of the XVIth-the first half of the XIXth century. Perm, 1995. (In Russian)
11. Chagin G.N. Settlement and development of the Upper Kama Region at the end of the XVIIIth-the first third of the XXth century // The World of Old Believers: living traditions: results and prospective of the Russian Old Believers studying. Iss. 4. Moscow, 1994. (In Russian)
12. Chagin G.N. Ethnocultural history of the Middle Urals in the XVI-XXth centuries. Yekaterinburg, 1999. (In Russian)
13. Chagin G.N. Ethnoses and cultures at the border of Europe and Asia: selected works. Perm, 2002.
14. Chagin G.N. The cities of Perm the Great Cherdyn and Solikamsk. Perm, 2004. (In Russian)
15. Chagin G.N. Perm the Great in toponymical evidence. Perm, 2004. (In Russian)
16. Chagin G.N. The year circle of festivals, rituals and customs of the Komi-Permians. Kudymkar, 2005. (in co-authorship).(In Russian)
17. Chagin G.N. Komi-Permian national costume: from P.I. Subbotin-Permyak Komi-Permian Regional Local History Museum collection. Kudymkar, 2006. (in co-authorship). (In Russian)
18. Chagin G.N.  Perm Regional heritage as a source of historical and cultural tourism development: Study Guide. Perm, 2008. (In Russian)
19. Chagin G.N. Fokeevna: the documentary story. Perm, 2009. (in co-authorship). (In Russian)
20. Chagin G.N. The Perm Region at crossroads of history and culture. Perm, 2010. (In Russian)

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