Development of Foundations for Nanomineralogical Research and Nanotechnological Applications

Basic Divisions: Department of Mineralogy and Petrograph, Laboratory of Mineralogical-Petrographic Research of Perm University Natural Sciences Institute.
Brief Description of Research Activities
Development of nanominerology theory and nanomineralogical research methods.  Studies on nanomineralogy of gold, platinum and diamonds. Development of new methods of prediction and exploration of natural resources (diamonds, precious metals, titano-zirconium, rare-earth, tantalum-niobium, tin ores etc.) on the basis of nanomineralogical data. The study of micro- and nanomineral association of sedimentary basins and evolution of sedimentation processes. The study of mineral composition of non-traditional deposits with small particles of valuable minerals. Complex assessment of mineral raw materials using precision methods. Development of geo-ecological research methods using nanomineralogical data. 
Selected publications Characterising Scientific Research Trend
1. Lunev B.S., Osovetskiy B.M. The Urals Placers with Fine Gold // Izvestiya VUZov. Gornyy Zhurnal. 1994. № 2 (6). P. 51-62. (In Russian)
2. Makeev A.B., Osovetskiy B.M. and others. Accessory Minerals of Diamonds of Rassolninskoe and Volynka Deposits (Perm Region, Russia) // Geology of Ore Deposits. 1999. V. 41, № 6. P. 527-545. (In Russian)
3. Osovetskiy B.M. Typochemistry of Placer Minerals: Reference book  / Perm State University. Perm, 2001. 244 p. (In Russian)
4. Naumov V.A., Ilaltdinov I.Ya., Osovetskiy B.M. Verkhnekamsk Depression Gold. Kudymkar; Perm: Komi-Permian Book Publishers, 2003. 218 p. (In Russian)
5. Osovetskiy B.M. Mesozoic and Cenozoic Mineralogy of the Kama Region / Perm State University. Perm, 2004. 292 p. (In Russian)
6. Osovetskiy B.M., Menshikova E.A. Natural-Technogenic Sediments / Perm State University. Perm, 2006. 208 p. (In Russian)
7. Osovetskiy B.M. (ed.). Accessory Minerals of Diamonds in the Kirov Region Mesozoic and Cenozoic Deposits / Perm State University. Perm, 2007. 208 p. (In Russian)
8. Osovetskiy B.M. (ed.). Small-sized Diamonds and Accessory Minerals in Vyatka-Kama Basin Jurassic Deposits / Perm State University. Perm, 2008. 212 p. (In Russian)
9. Ilatdinov I.Ya., Osovetskiy B.M. The Vyatka-Kama Basin Jurassic Deposit Gold / Perm State University. Perm, 2009. 230 p. (In Russian)
10. Osovetskiy B.M.  Rare-earth and Tantalum-Niobium Mineralization of the Vyatka-Kama Basin Mesozoic-Cenozoic Deposits // Lithosphere. 2010. № 2. P. 62-74. (In Russian)
11. Osovetskiy B.M., Kazymov K.P., Gubin S.A. Perspective for Kimberlite Exploration on the Territory of the Kama Region // Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Geologiya i Razvedka. 2010. № 5. P. 46-53. (In Russian)
The Most Significant Fundamental Research Projects within Scientific Research Trend
1. Project «Evolution of the Vyatka-Kama Basin Mesozoic-Cenozoic Deposition». RFBR Grant. 2007-2009.
2. Project «Tantal-niobium and Rare Earth Elements in Mesozoic and Cenozoic Deposits of Upper Kama Basin and Prospects of Expending and Developing of Regional Mineral Resources Base». RFBR Grant. 2011-2013.
3. Developed a new trend in Geo-ecology – «Natural-Technogenic Deposits» on the basis of combination of two approaches to the study of the geo-ecological object – lithological and ecological. Publication of the monograph (2006) sponsored by the Perm Krai Administration (competitive selection).
4. Development of the research on typochemistry placer minerals and the use of their chemical composition in natural resources prospecting. Published a special guide. 2001.
5.  Developed theoretical foundations of the placer method for natural resources prospecting on the basis of the use of modern approaches and analytical methods including nanomineralogical ones. Published a study guide «Placer Method». 2006.
The Most Significant Applied Research Projects within Scientific Research Trend, Including Enterprise Orders
«Detecting promising areas for bed-rock diamond discovery». The Perm Krai Administration. 2005-2006.
«Rationale for diamondiferous kimberlites exploration areas». The Perm Krai Administration. 2007-2010.
«Mineralogical and petrographic study of promising sites for diamond exploration». CJSC «Minas-Iraklion», Ufa. 2008.
«Mineralogical and petrographic study of Tykotlovsk ore region». LLC  «GEOLINE», Perm. 2007-2010.
«Mineralogical study of Boneng tin ore field (Laos)». Joint Russian-Lao Company «NAMIKOR», Vientiane. 2009.
«Mineralogical study of Krasnovishersk diamondiferous deposits». CJSC «Uralalmaz», Krasnovishersk. 2009-2010.
Training of Researchers
Post-graduate programmes on specializations «Geology, Prospecting and Exploration of Solid Minerals; Minerageny», «Ecological Geology».
International Scientific and Educational Activities within Scientific Trend
1. Participation reports to international geological congresses (Beijing,      PRC, 1996; Florence, Italy, 2004) and other international meetings abroad (Alexandria, Egypt, 2005). Participant Prof. Osovetskij B.M.
2. Long-term agreement with Western Kentukky University (USA, Contact prof. Ronald Gallagher). Participation in conferences with reports, scientific literature exchange. From the USA study guides in the English language («Petrology», «Structural Geology», «Physical Geology»), monographs, slides and other visual aids are received. Invited papers on topical issues of geological science.
3. Long-term cooperation with the firm «Tokyo-Boeki» (Russian representation of the Japanese firm JEOL) for the supply, service and personnel training to use electron microscopes. Three teaching seminars (2008, 2009, 2011) on the basis of Perm state University were held.
4. Similar cooperation with the firm «Oxford Instruments» (UK) on the problems of service of energy dispersive and wave spectrometer.
5. Long-term cooperation with the firm “LEICA” (Federal Republic of Germany) for training to use and operate binocular microscopes in science and education.
6. Long-term cooperation with the firm «NETZSCH» (Federal Republic of Germany) for training and operation of synchronous thermoanalyzer. 2008.
7. Contract for rendering of services for holding the scientific technical seminar «Salt Deposits and Methods of their Study» with «Satbor»LLP. The Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk. 2009.
8. Agreement on «Mineralogical Study of Boneng Tin Ore Field (Laos)» with Lao-Russian joint venture company «NAMIKOR». Laos, Vientiane. Supervisor Prof. B.M. Osovetskiy. 2009.

The leading scientists

Boris M. Osovetskiy

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Geology
Department of Mineralogy and Petrography
Phone, Fax, e-mail
+7-(342)-239-64-29, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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