Research of Territorial Social Systems

Basic Divisions: Department of Socioeconomic Geography and Department of Tourism.
Brief Description of Research Activities
The research is conducted in the following fields:
• analysis of functional, institutional, territorial structure of social systems;
• study of demographic situation, standard and quality of living;
• designing the methods of system's potential assessment and its capitalization;
• research on socioeconomics;
• study of human living environment and its perception by population;
• socioecological zoning, development of regional policy, designing the algorithm of programmes for the region's socioeconomic development;
• development of optimisation patterns of spatial organisation of systems and territory's supporting frame;
• development of tourism and recreation in the region;
• eduction of potential;
• carrying out of tourist zoning;
• tourist project designing;
• elaboration of concept and programme of regional tourism development;
• upgrading research methods: creation of GIS, electronic socioeconomic, political, ecological, social, economic atlases of regions.
Selected Publications Characterizing the Scientific Research Activities
1. Animitsa Ye.G., Sharygin M.D. Regional socioeconomic geography: theory, methodology, practice. Perm, 1994. (In Russian)
2. Animitsa Ye.G., Sharygin M.D. Major issues of economic and social geography. Perm, 1997. (In Russian)
3. Chistobayev A.I., Sharygin M.D. Economic and social geography: new stage. St.Petersburg, 1999. (In Russian)
4. Sharygin M.D. Territorial social systems. Perm, 2003. (In Russian)
5. Sharygin M.D. The fundamental principles of regional policy. Perm, 2006. (In Russian)
6. Sharygin M.D., Voronin V.V. Economic, social and political geography. Samara, 2006. (In Russian)
7. Sharygin M.D. Territorial management and planning. Perm, 2007. (In Russian)
8. Sharygin M.D. Current issues of economic and social geography. Perm, 2008. (In Russian)
9. Sharygin M.D. The Ural region: spatial analysis and diagnostics of socioeconomic development. Perm, 2008. (In Russian)
10. Zyryanov A.I., Zyryanova I.S. Marginal territories and tourism. Perm, 2005. 212 p. (In Russian)
11. Zyryanov A.I. The region: spatial relations between nature and society. Perm, 2006. 372 p. (In Russian)
12. Khudenkikh Yu.A. Perm tourism: territorial organisation and regional development. Perm, 2006. 189 p. (In Russian)
13. Zyryanov A.I., Myshlyavtseva S.E. The city and the region: tourist and recreation interaction // Ecology of urban areas. 2007. №1. P. 70-73. (In Russia)
14. Zyryanov A.I., Korolyev Yu.A. Model tourist routes // Herald of the National Academy of Tourism. 2008. №2. P.44-60.
The Most Important Fundamental Research Projects
1. Within the framework of the programme "Universities of Russia": "Human living environment assessment". 2005-2007.
2. Grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research "Research on hydrological regime of major water reservoirs with the use of geoinformation technologies (on the example of the Kama reservoirs)". 2004-2006.
3. Grant of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation "Designing the electronic atlas of the Perm Krai political situation". 2008.
4. Grant of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation "Designing of electronic atlas of the Perm Krai socioeconomic situation". 2009.
The Most Significant Projects Carried out under Orders of the Enterprises
1. "Federal programme of employment improvement", "Enforcement of the Federal law on designing programmes for socioeconomic development of municipal units (the Perm Krai)". 2008.
2. "Assessment of socioecological consequences of construction activity in the areas of sinkholes expansion". 2008.
3. "Federal programme on information and communication technologies in the educational sphere". Ministry of Natural Resources of the Perm Krai. 2008.
4. "Pre-flood and post-flood examination of the territories of the Perm Krai". The Ministry of Natural Resources of the Perm Krai. 2008.
5. "Designing the geoinformation system "Forest resources of OJSS "Solikamskbumprom". OJSS "Solikamskbumprom". 
6. "InterKarto-InterGIS-15", "Sustainable development of territories: theory of GIS and practical experience". The Ministry of Industry, Innovation and Science of the Perm Krai. 2009.
7. "Preparation and elaboration of thematic and topographic maps of the Perm Krai for the section "Raw materials potential" of the information resource "Economic development of the Perm Krai". The Ministry of Natural Resources of the Perm Krai. 2008.
8. "Definition of indicators of time and speed of movement on the automobile roads of the Perm Krai through the development of methods of indicators' definition". Road Agency of Perm Krai. 2009.
9. "Updating the GIS-projects developed for spatial analysis of information contained in the integrated bank of conservation data for the Perm Krai". The Ministry of Natural Resources of the Perm Krai. 2008.
10. "Territorial organisation of society in the regions of prolonged industrial and agricultural development". The Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science of the Perm Krai. 2009.
11. "Information support of public authorities in the process of decision making on maintenance of social security, prevention and settlement of emergency situations of natural, industrial and biosocial character". Municipal unit "Okhansky municipal district". 2008. Publication of electronic catalogue "Tourist objects and routes in the Perm Krai". 2009.
12. Conceptual design of complex development of tourist and recreational sphere in Gainsky municipal district. 2009.
13. "Development of resettlement system in Priozersky and Vyborgsky districts of the Leningrad Region". 2009.
Training of Researchers (programmes for Post-graduate and Doctorate Courses)
Post-graduate programme with a specialisation "Economic, social, political and recreational geography". Recently 12 people have been awarded Candidate of Science degree. There is Dissertation Council awarding Candidate and Doctor of Science degrees with a specialisation "Geoecology" at Perm State University and Dissertation Council for "Economic, social, political and recreational geography" at the Department. Recently within the framework of the programme 1 Doctoral and 3 Candidate degrees have been awarded.
International Scientific and Educational Activities
Participation in the international scientific programmes: "Evaluation of consequences of technical and chemical waste disposal on the territory of the town of Schuchye, the Kurgansky Region". 2005-2007.
Staff members of the Department of Tourism took part in the following international programmes:
• Yury A. Korolyev organised an expedition to South America (Peru, Bolivia, the Argentine, Brazil). 2006.
• Expedition to Australia and New Zealand. 2007.

The leading scientists

Mikhail D. Sharygin

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Geography
Department of Socioeconomic Geography
Phone, Fax, e-mail
tel: +7-(342)-239-64-96, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Aleksandr I. Zyryanov

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Geography
Department of Tourism
Phone, Fax, e-mail
tel: +7-(342)-239-66-01, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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