Geoinformation and Mathematical-Cartographic Modeling of Geo-Systems and Complexes

Basic Division: Perm State University Centre of Geoinformational Systems (GIS of PSU)
Brief Description of Research Activities
Solving fundamental problems of geo-system and complex modeling by geoinformation methods, remote sensing data and solving related practical problems. Development of scientific-methodological basics for creation of geoinformation systems and complexes; fundamental and applied training and retraining of highly qualified specialists using modern achievements of science and technology in the learning process. Cooperation in the field of scientific-research work with leading international scientific and educational centres, specializing in the use of mathematical-cartographical and geoinformation modeling methods, as well as contacts with academic centres of RAS, universities, regional scientific and manufacturing organizations and foreign scientific-educational institutions.
Selected Publications Characterising Scientific Research Trend
1. Pyankov S.V., Kalinin V.G. Methodological Aspects of Spatial Analysis of River Runoff Formation Using Mathematical-Cartographical Modeling // Meteorology and Hydrology. 2009. № 1. (In Russian)
2. Pyankov S.V., Kalinin N.A., Sviyazov E.M., Smirnova A.A., Nekrasov I.B. Methods of Complex Evaluation of Crop Biomass // Proceeding of the 15th international Conference InterCart-InterGIS. Part II. Gent, 2009. P. 231 -240. (In English)
3. Kalinin V.G., Pyankov S.V. Application of geoinformation technologies in hydrological researches // Perm. Alex-Press. 2010. 217 p.
4. Pyankov S.V., Kalinin V.G. GIS and mathematical-cartographical modeling at research of water reservoirs basins (on an example kama river)// Perm. Alex-Press. 2011. 158 p.
5. Pyankov S.V., Shavnina Y.N. Geoinformation system "Hydraulic engineering constructions of the Perm region". № 2011620638 of 15.07.2011. 2011. Certificate of state database registration.
The Most Significant Fundamental Research Projects within Scientific Research Trend
1. RFBR Grant № 04-05-96051-r2004ural_а «The Study of large reservoir hydrological regime using geoinformation technologies (exemplified by the Kama)». 2004-2006.
2. RFBR Grant № 07-05-01077-а «Analysis of spatial-time dynamics of winter river runoff in the GIS-environment by mathematical-cartographical modeling methods». 2007-2009.
3. RFBR Grant № 09-05-99027-r_ofi «Technology of integrated assessment of crop biomass on remote sensing data». 2009.
4. RFBR Grant № 11-05-96026-р_урал_а, «The complex approach in research of changes of processes of thawing of a snow on basins of the rivers». 2011 – 2013.
5. RFBR Grant № 11-05-96026-р_офи, «Forecasting of intensity of processes of thawing of a snow by methods of the geostatistical analysis (on an example basin Кama)». 2011 – 2013.
The Most Significant Applied Research Projects within Scientific Research Trend, Including Enterprise Orders
1. «Zoning  of the Perm Region by risk of natural and man-caused emergency situations with environmental impact: zoning; data bank creation for Public Authority Geoinformation System (GIS OGV)». – Office for Environmental Protection of the Perm Region. 2002-2005.
2. «Creation of space monitoring system bBased on Earth remote sensing data (DDZZ) for rational use of agricultural land». – Ministry of Agriculture of the Perm Krai. 2004-2007.
3. «Creation and updating of the computer database on the Perm State Forest Fund». – Ministry of Natural Resources of the Perm Krai. 2005-2007.
4. «Creation of space system for monitoring of the Perm Krai Forest Resources». – Ministry of Natural Resources of the Perm Krai. 2006-2007.
5. «Scientific-technological rationale and development of the regional programme “Prevention of Water Harmful Effects and Ensuring Safety of Hydraulic Structures in the Perm Krai "». – Ministry of Natural Resources of the Perm Krai. 2006.
Training of Researchers
In 2009 at the Faculty of Geography of Perm State University in the framework of the specialty of «Geography» was opened a new specialization –  «Geoinformatics». In 2011 the new educational direction «Cartography and geoinformatics » (bachelor degree) is licensed.
In the Regional Institute of Continuing Education (RINO PSU) was created the Center for Continuing Education «Geomatics», whose main task is professional retraining, development of competence and traineeship for scientific and pedagogical staff of secondary and higher education and other scientific organizations in the system of higher and postgraduate education in the field of applied problems using geoinformation systems and technologies.
International Scientific and Educational Activities within Scientific Research Trend
Organization and conducting of international conference «InterCart-InterGIS -15. Sustainable Development of Territories: GIS-territory and Practical Experience». Perm – Ghent. 2009.
Organization and conducting of international school-seminar «Geosupply with information of modernization of Russia. Technical, technological and personnel potential». Perm  – Kazan – Saratov – Astrahan – Volgograd – Samara. 2011.

The leading scientists

Sergey V. Pyankov

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
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