Anthropogenic transformation of the natural environment
Basic Division: Department of Biogeocenology and Environmental Protection.
Brief Description of Research Activities
The range of scientific problems studied within the programme: investigation of anthropogenic transformation of ecosystems as a transformation determined by direct or indirect human activity; detection of transformation phases (autotrophic, heterotrophic, saprotrophic and abiogenous) depending on the changes in the components of fundamental state biota; development of technologies aimed at assessment and risk management in the sphere of resource use, nature preservation, environmental protection and refuse dumps.
Selected Publications Characterising Scientific Research Trend
1. Buzmakov S.A., Kostarev S.M. Anthropogenic changes of the natural components in the oil-producing areas of the Perm Region / Perm State University. Perm, 2003. 171 p.
2. Buzmakov S.A., Bashin G.P., Voronov G.A. On the modeling of oil product influence on the soil (based on the biotesting results) // Journal “Geography and Environment”. Saint-Petersburg: Science, 2003. pp. 34 – 37. (In Russian)
3. Buzmakov S.A., Bashin G.P. Maximum permissible concentration of oil products in the Perm Region soil ecosystems // News of Higher Education Institutions. Oil and Gas. 2004. №2. pp. 91 – 96. (In Russian)
4. Buzmakov S.A., Kostarev S.M., Chaikin S.A. Scientific justification of planning and use of oil fields situated in the special protected natural areas (case study of the Perm Region oil producing areas) // News of Higher Education Institutions. Oil and Gas. 2004. №3. pp. 14 - 23. (In Russian)
5. Buzmakov S.A., Kostarev S.M. Geographical system transformation in oil producing areas // News of Higher Education Institutions. Oil and Gas. 2004. №5. pp. 124 - 131. (In Russian)
6. Buzmakov S.A., Kuvshinskaya L.V., Zhekin A.V., Kulakova S.A., Gatina E.L., Zaitsev A.A. Assessment of the current state of the special protected natural area “Chernayevsky Woodland Park, Perm” // Proceedings of Samara Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2009. Vol. 11 №1 (3). pp. 408-413. (In Russian)
7. Buzmakov S.A., Andreev D.N., Kulakova S.A., Zaitsev A.A., Gatina E.L. The geographic and information system “Chernyaevsky Woodland Park”. Registration certificate № 15274. Registration date 27.01.2010. Unified Fund of Electronic Resources “Science and Education” (UFERSE), Institute for Scientific Information and Monitoring, the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The Most Significant Fundamental Research Projects within Scientific Research Trend
1. 1996 – The Programme of UNESCO and the Russian Academy of Sciences “Species productivity in the habitat”.
2. 1999 – The Programmes of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Investigation of anthropogenic dynamics of ecosystems and their components”.
3. 2000 – The Programmes of UNESCO, the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Higher Education of the Russian Federation “Analysis and development of the projects for organisation of special protected natural areas”.
4. 1991-1995, 1996-2000, 2001-2005, 2006-2010 – development of the sections of the Regional Programme “Protection of animals, special protected natural areas and forests”.
The Most Significant Applied Research Projects within Scientific Research Trend, Including Enterprise Orders
1. 2006-2008 – Cadastre and monitoring of special protected natural areas of regional significance and assessment of the current state of natural complexes and objects situated within the protected areas. Ordered by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Perm Region.
2. 2009-2011–Rendering of services in complex ecological inspection of especially protected natural territories of regional value (conducting a cadastre and monitoring of a condition of especially protected natural territories of regional value with an estimation of a current state of their natural complexes and objects). Ordered by Ministry of Natural Resources of the Perm Region.
3. 2008 – Ecological monitoring of the special protected natural area “Chernyaevsky Woodland Park” in the zone influenced by sports complex “Oilman”. Ordered by “LUKoil-Permnefteorgsintez Co Ltd.”.
Training of Researchers (programmes for Post-graduate and Doctoral Courses)
Post-graduate Programme, specialty “Geoecology”.
International Scientific and Educational Activities with Scientific Research Trend
1. 2009 – The Joint Project “Ensuring of ecological safety of closed refuse dumps”. Financed by the Federal Ministry of Science and Research of Germany (BMBF). Participants: The Institute of Agricultural and Urban Ecological Projects (Berlin Humboldt University, Germany), Department of Biogeocenology and Environmental Protection (Perm State University).
2. 2009 – Participation in the Symposium “Ensuring of ecological safety of natural and anthropogenic ecosystems, practices of Russian and Germany” (Berlin).
3. 2009 – Organisation and holding of the International Seminar “Ensuring of safety of closed refuse dumps by ecological methods”.
4. 2009 – Organisation and holding of The International Seminar for the Young Scientists “Scientific readings in memory of N.F. Reimers and F.R. Shtilmark. Anthropogenic transformation of environment”.
5. 2006 – Organisation and holding of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Anthropogenic transformation Singular transformation Plural transformations of environment”.