Zhanna A. Mingaleva
15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Economics
Department of National Economy and Economic Safety
Phone, Fax, e-mail
tel: +7-(342)-239-66-85, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Perm State University, Faculty of Economics, 1988.
Post-graduate Study. Financial Academy of the Government of the Russian Federation, Department of Economic Theory. 1991.
Doctorate Course. Perm State University. 2008.
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Economics. Financial Academy of the Government of the Russian Federation,1992
Doctor of Economics, Perm State University 2006.
Reader. 1998.
Professor. 2009.
Stages of Professional Career
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Political Economy, Perm State University. 1987-1993.
Senior Lecturer, Department of Economic Theory and World Economy, Faculty of Economics, Perm State University. 1993-1995.
Reader, Perm State University. 1995-2006.
Professor, Perm State University. 2006 until present date.
Head of Department of National Economy and National Safety, Faculty of Economics, Perm State University. 2006 until present date.
Membership in Scientific Councils, other State and Public Associations
Member of Academic Council DM 212.189.07 awarding degrees in Economics at Perm State University.
Member of Academic Council of Perm State University.
Membership in International Organisations
• AEA (American Economic Association)
• ISPIM (International Society for Professional Innovation Management).
• WASET (World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology).
• ITHEA-ISS (Information Theories and Applications - International Scientific Society).
Management of Research Projects
1. Grant of Eurasia (EERC) Fund "Influence of the region’s innovative development strategy on its sector structure". 1998-1999.
2. Grant of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund "Changes in the sector structure of economy and the problems of economic development". 2000.
3. Grant of the Moscow Public Scientific Fund supported by the USA Agency for International Development (USAID) "Influence of tax holidays on the region’s innovative development". 2000.
4. Grant of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund “Development of the region’s scientific and technical potential as the basis of its economic growth”. 2004-2006.
5. Grant of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund “Region’s innovative development as the basis for its growing competitive ability”. 2009-2010.
6. Grant of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund “Research portal “Region’s innovative development””. 2009-2010.
7. Thematic Plan-2010 of Perm State University by order of the Federal Education Agency "Structural modernisation of economy and innovative development". 2010-2013.
8. Grant of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund “Evaluation of national and regional particulariries of creating innovation activity clusters”. 2011-2013.
Participation in International Projects
1. Project TASIS (European Community). Project “BISTRO”: “Industrial reconstruction of enterprises in Perm Region”, participants: London Business School - Russian School of Entrepreneurs. 1996-1997.
2. Project TASIS (European Community). Project “Feasibility Study Preparation. Project Management and Project Finance”, participants: InnoTech (Germany), Perm EC Energy Center. 1998.
3. Project TASIS (European Community). Project “Assistance in the Investment Project Management. The Investment Analysis and the Project Business Plan”, participants: InnoTech, Germany, Perm EC Energy Center, Ural Politechinic Institute. 1998.
4. Tempus Tacis Project (European Community), “Training programme for university teachers in contemporary methods of teaching economic subjects”, participants: Project Tempus TACIS (European Community), programs of Economics of Russian Higher Education in the program “Teacher Training Crash Program in Economics for University”, participants: Perm State University, Erasmus University (Rotterdam, the Netherlands). 1999.
5. Tempus Tacis Project (European Community), “Training programme for university teachers of economics and law". Project Tempus TACIS (European Community), programs “Teacher Training Program in Economics and Law for University”, participants: Perm State University, Manchester Metropolitan University (UK). 2000-2001.
6. Training Program “Modeling and Forecasting of the US Economy”, participants: Perm State University, University of Pennsylvania, Global Insight (corporation) (Washington), USA
7. Russian Open Social Institute and California State University project (Long Beach, California, USA) "Higher education in the USA and Russia: present conditions and problems”. Participants: private and state universities of California State (USA) and Russia. 2008.
8. EURASHE project (European Community), «Introduction to the European Higher Education Reform Process (‘Bologna’) in the areas of the 3-cycle system, quality assurance, lifelong learning». Participants: universities of Western Europe and Russia. 2010.
9. Project of US Russia Centre for Entrepreneurship «The entrepreneurship education at the university level“, participants: US Russia Centre for Entrepreneurship, Moscow International Higher Business School MIRBIS, Russian Association for Entrepreneurship Education. 2010.
Current Research Activities
Research into technological and structural modernization of economy (since 1989) including the issues of innovative development (since 1986); attraction of investments and innovations into the real sector of economy; strategic planning and forecasting of activity of economic agents (national economy, its sectors, regions, enterprises). Research of institutional aspects of contemporary economic development; interaction of authorities and entrepreneur structures in the development of economy (including the development of private-public partnership, regulation of entrepreneurial activity, etc); scientific-technical and innovation policy of enterprises; provision of economic safety for the economic agents; risk management in entrepreneurship, state regulation of entrepreneurial activity, protection of results of intellectual activity.
Academic and other Awards
Certificate of Merit of Perm State University 2009.
Total Number of Publications
230 scientific articles,
18 monographs,
5 course books and textbooks.
Selected Publications
1. Mingaleva Z. Interactions and linkages of federal and regional authorities in the management of Region innovative development// Globalization: Effects on Enterprises, Employment and Government. Speyer/Germany. 1999. September 18. P. 39-41. (In English)
2. Mingaleva Zh.A., Tkacheva S.V. Clusters and formation of the region’s structure // World economy and international relations. 2000. № 5. P. 12-18. (In Russian)
3. Mingaleva Zh.A. Some methodological issues of quantity analysis of structural changes // Herald of Perm State University. Economics Series, 2002. Vol. 2. P. 17-34. (In Russian)
4. Mingaleva Z. The concept of structural transformation of economy (in Valuable categories of new institutional theory) // Etyczne podstawy economii – teoria I practyka, Politechnika Gdanska. Gdansk, 2003. P.119-126. (In English)
5. Mingaleva Z. Transformacja strukturalna w gospodarce we współczenych naukach ekonimicznych i programach nauczania// Globalny i regionalny wymiar edukacji. Zielona Góra. 2003. P. 17-24. (In Polish)
6. Mingaleva Zh.A. New mechanisms of bank financing of structural changes in economy // Innovations. 2003. № 2-3 (59-60). P. 97-100. (In Russian)
7. Mingaleva Z. The Problems of Legal Regulation of Intellectual Property Rights in innovation activities in Russia (Institutional approach)// Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. Tokyo, 2009. Vol. 41. P. 464-476. (In English)
8. Mingaleva Z. Forming of Institutional Mechanism of Region’s Innovative Development// World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. Venice, 2009. Vol.58. P.783-793. (In English)
9. Mingaleva Z., et al. Formation of an innovative cluster// World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. Issue 80, Paris, August 2011. P.598-611. (In English)
10. Mingaleva Zh.A. Evaluation of innovative and scientific-technical potential and innovative competitive ability of regions (a chapter in collective monograph) // Region in the new paradigm of special organisation of Russia / Ed. by A.N. Tatarkin. M.: Nauka, 2007. 752 p. (In Russian)
Key executives
Oksana S. Gayfutdinova – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Reader at the Department of National Economy and Economic Safety.
Selected Publications
• Gayfutdinova O.S., Mingaleva Zh.A. Management of the innovative competitive ability of economic entities // Yekaterinburg: Institute of Economics of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 317 p. (In Russian)
• Gayfutdinova O.S., Babkin A.B., Mingaleva Zh.A., Titov V.V. et al. Basic methodological approaches towards the evaluation of the level of competitive ability of economic systems // Methodology of planning of innovative development of economic systems. St. Petersburg, 2008. P. 648-681. (In Russian)
• Gayfutdinova O.S., Vinitsyna V.V., Gorshenina P.M. et al. Forming of region’s innovative system // Factors of stable development of Russian regions. Novosibirsk: Centre for Development of Scientific Cooperation, 2009. P.51-63. (In Russian)
• Gayfutdinova O.S. Innovative competitive ability as a factor to strengthen national economic safety // National interests: priorities and safety. 2009. № 19 (52). P. 8-13. (In Russian)
• Gayfutdinova O.S., Mingaleva Z., et al. Forming of Institutional Mechanism of Region’s Innovative Development// World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. 2009. Vol. 58. P. 783-794. (In English)
• Gayfutdinova O.S. Innovative economy as the aim of structural modernisation // In the world of scientific discoveries. 2010. № 3 (09). P. 111-114. (In Russian)
• Gayfutdinova O.S. On the problem of management of region’s competitive ability // Innovative economy and region’s industrial policy (ECOPROM-2008). St. Petersburg. Polytechnic State University Publication, 2008. P. 296-300. (In Russian)