Vladimir P. Maksimov

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Economics
Department of Information Systems and Mathematical Methods in Economics
Phone, Fax, e-mail
tel: + 7 (342) 2-396-848, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Faculty of Instrumentation Engineering, Izhevsk Mechanical Institute, 1970.
Post-graduate Study. Tambov Institute of Chemical Engineering, 1974.
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. Kazan State University, 1974.
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1985.
Senior Lecturer, 1978.
Professor, 1987.
Stages of Professional Career
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Higher Mathematics, Izhevsk Mechanical Institute. 1971.
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Tambov Institute of Chemical Engineering, 1973-1975.
Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematical Analysis, Perm Polytechnic Institute, 1976-1978.
Reader, Department of Mathematical Analysis, Perm Polytechnic Institute, 1978-1986.
Professor, Department of Mathematical Analysis, Perm Polytechnic Institute, 1987-1989.
Professor, Department of Economic Cybernetics, Perm State University, 1990 until present date (the department was renamed in 2007 into the Department of Information Systems and Mathematical Methods in Economics).
Membership in Scientific Councils, Other State and Public Associations
Member of Dissertation Council DМ 212.189.07 awarding degrees in Economics at Perm State University.
Member of public organization “Academy of Nonlinear Sciences” since 1996.
Member of American Mathematical Society since 1990.
Member of Mathematical Association of America since 2005.
Editorial Board Member: Functional Differential Equations (Israel), Izvestiya Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Matematika (Russia, transl. in USA as Russian Mathematics), Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics (Georgia).
Management of Research Projects
Program “Universities of Russia – Basic Research” (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation):
1. Reliable computing experiment in the study of non-stationary models: theory and applications. 1999-2000.
2. Some problems in Economic Dynamics: modeling, constructive study, reliable computing experiment. 2002.
3. Constructive study of robust properties to control systems in economic dynamics: controllability, stability, stabilization. 2003.
4. Objective control for dynamic macroeconomic models: theory, applications, reliable computing experiment. 2004-2006.
 Russian Foundation for Basic Research:
5. The study of the attainability with respect to indexes of socioeconomic development and the construction of control actions as applied to the regional socioeconomic systems. Methods, algorithms, computer programs. 2004-2006.
6. Mathematical and computer modeling of ecological and economic state for a region: problems of identification, forecasting, attainability and control. 2010.
Participation in International Projects
Tempus Tacis Project T-JEP 10773-1999, Manchester Metropolitan University / Economics Diploma Modernization at Perm State University. 2002.
Stability of Economic Dynamics Models with Aftereffect, Ariel University Center of Samaria, Israel. 2010-2011.
Current Research Activities
Research into the dynamic models of socioeconomic and ecological-economic systems in the forms of differential, difference, functional differential equations and their hybrids. The research is focused on the boundary value problems and control problems, including those of impulse control. Major aims of research: to establish the effective conditions of solvability of the problems above-mentioned, the methods and algorithms of these conditions’ verification using modern computing technologies on the theoretical basis of reliable computing experiment.
Academic and other Awards
George Soros Professor. 1994.
Meritorious Scientist of the Russian Federation. 2007.
Total Number of Publications
About 100 scientific articles,
6 monographs,
4 textbooks.
Selected Publications
1. Maksimov V.P., Rakhmatullina L.F. On the representation of solutions to linear functional differential equations // Differential equations. 1973. Vol. 9, №. 6. P. 1026-1036. (In Russian)
2. Maksimov V.P.  Rakhmatullina L.F. Adjoint  equation for the general linear boundary value problem // Ibid. 1977. Vol. 13, №. 11. P. 1966-1973. (In Russian)
3. Maksimov V.P. On some nonlinear boundary value problems // Ibid. 1983. Vol. 19, №3. P. 396-414. (In Russian)
4. Azbelev N.V., Maksimov V.P., Rakhmatullina L.F. Introduction to the theory of functional differential equations. Nauka. Moscow, 1991. 280 p. (In Russian)
5. Azbelev N.V., Maksimov V.P., Rakhmatullina L.F. Introduction to the theory of linear functional differential equations. World Federation Publ. Atlanta, 1995. 214 p. (In English)
6. Maksimov V.P., Rumyantsev A.N. The study of the solvability of boundary value problems for functional differential equations: a constructive approach // Boundary value problems for functional differential equations/ Ed. by J. Henderson; World Scientific Publ. Singapore, 1995. P. 227-237. (In English)
7. Azbelev N.V., Maksimov V.P., Rakhmatullina L.F. Elements of contemporary theory of functional differential equations. Methods and applications. Institute for Computer Research. Moscow, 2002. 380 p. (In Russian)
8. Maksimov V.P. Questions in the general theory of functional differential equations / Perm State University. Perm, 2003. 306 p. (In Russian)
9. Maksimov V.P. Theory of functional differential equations and some problems in economic dynamics// Proceedings of the Conference on Differential and Difference Equations and Applications/ Hindawi Publishing Corporation. New York, 2006. P. 757-765. (In English)
10. Azbelev N.V., Maksimov V.P., Rakhmatullina L.F.  Introduction to the theory of functional differential equations: Methods and applications. Hindawi Publishing Corporation. New York, 2007. 314 p. (In English)
11. Azbelev N.V., Maksimov V.P., Simonov P.M. Theory of functional differential equations and applications // International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. 2011. Vol. 69, No 2. P. 203-235.  (In English)

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