Pyotr M. Simonov
15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Economics
Department of Information Systems and Mathematical Methods in Economics
Phone, Fax, e-mail
tel: +7-(342)-239-68-49, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Leningrad State University. 1979.
Post-graduate Study. Perm Polytechnic Institute. 1985.
Doctorate Course. Faculty of Economics, Perm State University. 1992.
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Kiev State University, 1987.
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Perm State University, 2003.
Reader. 1992.
Professor. 2010.
Stages of Professional Career
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Higher Mathematics, Energy Faculty, Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute. 1979-1982.
Post-graduate student, Department of Mathematical Analysis, Faculty of Departments of General Sciences, Perm Polytechnic Institute. 1982 – 1985.
Assistant Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Department of Higher Mathematics, Energy Faculty, Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute.
Senior Lecturer, Reader, Department of Mathematical Analysis, Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Training, Perm Polytechnic Institute. 1988-1991.
Doctorate Course, Department of Economic Cybernetics, Faculty of Economics, Perm State University. 1991-1992.
Senior Research Fellow, Department of Mathematical Analysis, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Perm Technical University. 1992-1994.
Reader, Department of Economic Cybernetics, Faculty of Economics, Perm State University. 1994-2003.
Professor, Department of Economic Cybernetics, Faculty of Economics, Perm State University. 2003 until present date.
Membership in Scientific Councils, other State and Public Associations
Member of Dissertation Council DМ 212.189.07 awarding degrees in Economics at Perm State University.
Active member of the Academy of Nonlinear Sciences since 1996.
Member of American Mathematical Society since 1997.
Management of Research Projects
Grant “Development of the methods of designing functional differential models of real-world objects”, Russian Fund for Fundamental Research № 07-01-96060. 2007-2009.
Current Research Activities
Development of the methods of designing mathematical models of real-world objects as determined and stochastic functional differential equations and systems as well as development of solution methods of applied problems for functional differential systems.
Academic and other Awards
First prizes in competitions of young scientists’ research works at Perm Polytechnic Institute in the nomination “Research in Physics and Mathematics” in 1989 and 1990.
Scholarship from the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the International Scientific Fund (the Soros Fund). 1993.
Soros Reader. 1999, 2001.
Laureate of the best scientific and research work competition. Perm State University. 2002.
Total Number of Publications
About 80 scientific articles,
2 monographs,
10 textbooks.
Selected Publications
1. Azbelev N.V., Simonov P.M. Solution stability of equations with ordinary derivatives. Perm: Perm University Publication, 2001. 230 p. (In Russian)
2. Azbelev N.V., Simonov P.M. Stability of differential equations with aftereffect. London; New York: Taylor&Francis, 2002. 222 p. (In English)
3. Alves M.J., Chistyakov A.V., Simonov P.M. On sufficient conditions of stability for the first order differential equation with retarded argument // Memoirs on Different. Equat. and Math. Physics. Tbilisi, 2002. V. 26. P. 31-42. (In English)
4. Azbelev N.V., Simonov P.M. Modern theory of stability of equations with aftereffect: A survey of ideas and results // Nonlinear analysis and nonlinear differential equations / Ed. by V.A. Trenogin, A.F. Filippov. М.: Physmathlit, 2003. P. 289-304. (In Russian)
5. Andrianov D.L., Maksimov V.P. Boundary value problems for nonlinear differential equations // Perm University Herald. Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science Series. 2008. Vol. 4 (20). P. 55-69. (In Russian)
6. Simonov P.M., Ustinov A.S. An approach towards quality evaluation of management of budget funds (financial management) in the governmental sector // Perm University Herald. Economics Series. 2009. Vol. 1 (1). P. 63-69. (In Russian)
7. Simonov P.M., Chistyakov A.V. On the Daugavet theorem // Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences. 2010. Vol. 15. Issue 1. P. 447-453. (In Russian)
8. Azbelev N.V., Maksimov V.P., Simonov P.M. Theory of functional differential equations and applications // International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. 2011. Vol. 69. № 2. P. 203-235.