Formation of the Russian Post-Industrial Model of Management as a Key Factor of National Innovative Competitive Ability
Basic Division: Department of Management.
Brief Description of Research Activities
The transition of national economies of the industrially developed countries towards innovative economy of knowledge requires formation of a relevant governance model which will provide effective incorporation of intangible assets and intellectual products into economic circulation. The formation of such a model and its successful application to socioeconomic management practice has become one of the key factors of innovative competitive success of countries and of their corporate structures.
This calls for the development of a relevant Russian model of post-industrial management. To accomplish this task it is necessary to analyse the interrelations of the universal development of the world theory and practice of socioeconomic management, on the one hand, and historical nationally-determined experience of Russia, on the other. On the basis of this to elicit universal post-industrial features and national aspects of economic system management in Russia in the context of its current transition alongside the world community towards automatised knowledge-intensive production and information-industrial economy.
Conceptual elaboration of the Russian model of post-industrial management as a national key factor of innovative competitive success involves, firstly, understanding of the main historical peculiarities of the current economic epoch in comparison with other epochs and also setting the priorities for the national strategy of developing the innovative competitive advantages of the Russian economy and its corporate industrial structures. Secondly, new conditions of competitive economic management call for the development of adequate technologies, mechanisms and tools of socioeconomic management taking into account the national and historical peculiarities of the given countries. It is essential to elicit the basic trends of the historical process of formation of the Russian model of post-industrial management and its distinctive features.
The Russian post-industrial model of economic systems management should in the XXIth century become a key factor of growth of the country's national innovative competitive ability and of its corporate structures' dominant competitive positions in the national and international markets.
Selected Publications Describing Scientific Research Trend
1. Prudsky V.G. Development of strategic management in the context of neo-industrial globalisation accrual and uneven socioeconomic development of countries and territories// Perm University Herald. Economics Series. 2009. №1. P. 6-13. (In Russian)
2. Prudsky V.G. Russian model of contemporary management as a national competitive advantage// Economy of Region. 2009. №3. P.114-120. (In Russian)
3. Prudsky V.G. On the issue of the Russian model of state regulation of economy // From the idea of academician S.S. Shatalin on systematic approaches to self-developing socioeconomic systems: Papers of the all-Russia conference with international participation. Yekaterinburg: Institute of Economics at the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2009. Vol.1. P. 126-130. (In Russian)
4. Magdanov P.V., Prudsky V.G. Genesis of the concept of enterprise management objective // Herald of St.Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics. Economics Series. 2010. Vol. 2 (37). P. 17-21. (In Russian)
5. Magdanov P.V. Problems and difficulties of strategic planning in Russian companies // Herald of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Economics Series. 2009. №2. P. 2-31. (In Russian)
The Most Significant Fundamental Research Projects
Initiative project "Regional industrial policy as a tool for development of innovative environment for enterprise management in the context of the current transition towards post-industrial economy". 2006-2008.
Project "Problems and prospects of unwinding the transition to post-industrial economy in Russia and the Western Urals in the context of current global and Russian economic development". Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation. 2009.
The Most Significant Applied Research Projects, Including Enterprise Orders
1. Feasibility study for founding and main business lines development of LLC "Regionenergosbyt". 2006-2008.
2. Analytical study of electric and heat power industry market of the Perm Krai in terms of innovative programmes and projects development and implementation. 2006-2008.
Training of Researchers
From 2003 to 2009 1 Doctoral and 9 Candidate Dissertations were done in a specialisation 08.00.05 "Economics and Management of Nation's Economy".