Yury A. Malyshev

15 Bukireva, Perm, 614990
Russian Federation
Perm State University
Faculty of Economics
Department of Economics and Industrial Markets
Phone, Fax, e-mail
8 (342) 239-62-86, факс 8 (342) 233-19-69, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Perm State Polytechnic Institute. 1981.
Graduand. Perm UB RAS. 1998 – 2001.
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Economics. 2001. UB RAS.
Doctor of Economics. 2006. The Institute of Economics UB RAS (Yekaterinburg).
Reader. 2003 .
Stages of Professional Career
Work at manufacturing enterprise: Master, Head of Section, Manager, Production Foreman, Head of Planning Department, Deputy General Director for Economics, General Director. 1971-2001.
Work in Research Associations and Teaching Positions
Senior Research Fellow, Head of Department of Perm Branch of the Institute of Economics of UB of Russian Academy of Sciences. 2000-2007.
Lecturer (dual-job holder). Perm State University. 2003.
Lecturer. Perm State University. 2007-2010.
Head of Department of Economics and Industrial Markets. Perm State University. 2010 – up to now.
Membership in Academic Councils, other State and Public Associations
Member of Academic Council of Perm State University.
Chairman of Dissertation Councils of Economic Sciences D.212.189.07, D.212.189.10 at Perm State University (Economic Sciences).
Management of Research Projects
1. Grant RHSF № 07-02-00195а «Theoretical grounds of study of institutional relations in territorial community». 2007-2008.
2. Grant RHSF № 08-02-82202а/U «Theory and methodology of study of institutional relations in the innovative sphere of the region». 2008-2010.
Current Research Activities
Supervision of the scientific and research trend «Institutional relations in regional economy» in the scientific and educational complex «Prediction and management of social and economic development in countries and territories on the basis of modern information technologies». Scientific research trend «Principals and mechanisms of public administration of economy at the regional level based on the cluster approach».
Academic and other Awards
Certificate of Merit by UB RAS. 2007.
Total Number of Publications
Scientific articles –100.
Monographs – 12.
Selected Publications
1. Malyshev Yu.А. Theoretical grounds and general principles of institutional relations analysis // Vestnik of Orenburg State University, 2006. (in Russian)
2. Malyshev Yu.А. Specific principles of institutional relations analysis // Vestnk of Orenburg State University, 2006. (in Russian)
3. Malyshev Yu.А. Organisational form of coordination, performance criteria and quality rating of institutional relations // Problems of regional economy: inter-territorial scientific and production journal. Izhevsk, 2005. (in Russian)
4. Malyshev Yu.А. Theoretical and methodological grounds of institutional relations: regional aspect // Regional economy. Yekaterinburg. 2005. (in Russian)
5. Malyshev Y.Аu. Dissipative structures and theoretical grounds of management of the innovative sphere of the region // Perm State University Herald. Series Economics. 2010. Issue. 3(6). 
p.28-35. (in Russian)
6. Malyshev Yu.А., Dombrovsky М.А. Management of infrastructures potential // Economics. 2010 . № 2. (in Russian)
7. Malyshev Yu.А. New paradigm of project management within strategic development of an enterprise // Theory and practice of enterprise management: collection of scientific articles. / Perm State University. Perm. pp.107-117. Perm, 2010. Issue 7. 168 p. (in Russian)
8. Malyshev Yu.А., Dubovik B.А. Theoretical aspects of industrial organisation functioning on the basis of cluster principles: Preprint. Yekaterinburg: Institute of Economics UB RAS, 2010. (in Russian)

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