Tatiana G. Sheshukova

15 Bukireva
Perm 614990
Russian Federation
Perm State University
Faculty of Economics
Department of Accounting, Audit and Economic Analysis
Phone, Fax, e-mail
+7 (342) 239-62-54,
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Kuibyshev Planning Institute, Faculty of Economics. 1960.
Post-graduate study. Perm State University. 1973.
Doctorate. Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance. 1990
Academic Degrees and Titles
Candidate of Economics. 1970. Perm State University.
Doctor of Economics. 1990. Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance.
Reader. 1975.
Professor. 1991 .
Full Member (Academician) of International Higher Education Academy of Sciences. 1993 .
Stages of Professional Career
Senior Technician Economist, Engineer Economist. Kalinin Perm Carburetor Factory. 1960-1966.
Senior Engineer, Leading Engineer, Head of Automated subsystem techno-economic planning laboratory. Perm Research Institute of Machine and System Control. 1966-1975.
Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Mechanical Engineering Industry. Perm State Polytechnic University. 1975-1976.
Reader, Department of Economics and Mechanical Engineering Industry. Perm State Polytechnic University. 1976-1982.
Senior Research Fellow. Perm State Polytechnic University. 1982-1984.
Reader, Department of Economics and Mechanical Engineering Industry. Perm State Polytechnic University. 1984-1990.
Professor, Department of Economics and Mechanical Engineering Industry. Perm State Polytechnic University. 1990-1992.
Head of Department of Accounting, Audit and Economic Analysis. Faculty of Economics. Perm State University. 1992 – up to now.
Membership in Academic Councils, other State and Public Associations
Vice-chairman of Dissertation Council DM 212.189.07 Perm State University.
Member of Academic Council of Non-state Educational Institute of Higher Professional Education «West-Ural Institute of Economics and Law».
Honorary member of the Institute of Professional Accountants of Russia.
Membership in international organisations
International Higher Education Academy of Sciences.
International Federation of Accountants.
Current Research Activities
Research is carried out in the following trends:
- theory and practice of analysis of the enterprise economic potential;
- development of management accounting system.
- methodology of audit programmes and plan audit.
- adaptation of various accounting systems to international standards.
- improvement of management tools of risk liquidity and credit provision in a commercial bank.
- tax assessment analysis in a credit entity.
- information support of economic analysis for business management.
- analysis and audit of leasing transactions.
Academic and other Awards
Title «Honoured Figure of Higher School of Economics». 2000.
Laureate of the Prize of Perm Krai in Science. 2007.
Honorary title «Founder of the scientific school ”Account analysis and control problems of management of the enterprise’s productive and financial resources in economic globalisation”». Russian Academy of Natural History. 2011. (certificate № 00412).
Total Number of Publications
Scientific articles – 142.
Monographs – 20.
Textbooks (Tutorials) – 14.
Selected Publications
1. Sheshukova T.G. Cost accountability of MICS main shop. М.: Mashinostroenie. 1978. 85 p. (in Russian)
2. Sheshukova T.G., Nikitina Е.B. Rating of a commercial bank. West-Ural Institute of Economics and Law. Perm. 2001. 240 p. (in Russian)
3. Sheshukova T.G., Gulyaeva Е.L. Theory and practice of controlling (on petroleum enterprises data) / West-Ural Institute of Economics and Law. Perm, 2003. 248 p. (in Russian)
4. Sheshukova T.G. To the analysis of the place of geo information systems controlling of petroleum enterprise // Economic analysis: theory and practice. 2005. № 12. pp.17-26. (in Russian)
5. Sheshukova T.G., Kustov P.I. Tax registration of penalties, fines and forfeits in operation of financial activity of a credit entity // Finance and credit. 2006. № 26 (230). pp.28-35. (in Russian)
6. Sheshukova T.G., Ivannikov S.N. Improvement of analysis and controlling of fixed assets usage / Perm State University. Perm, 2007. 116 p. (in Russian)
7. Sheshukova T.G., Kustov P.I. Tax registration in credit entities (on income tax data) // Perm State University. Perm. 2007. 227 p. (in Russian)
8. Sheshukova T.G., Vorobyeva О.А. Methodological and practical aspects of financial statements on IFRS // International accounting. 2008. № 1 (109). pp.36-44. (in Russian)
9. Sheshukova T.G., Razyvaeva К.V. Analysis of legislation in the relationships of credit entities and state-financed organisations // Finance and Credit. 2008. № 9 (297). pp.13-16. (in Russian)
10. Sheshukova T.G. Financial leasing in a commercial bank // Izvestia of Ural State University. 2010. № 2 (28). (in Russian)
11. Sheshukova T.G., Rybalko О.А. Modelling the accounting system according to IFRS requirements in foreign trade transactions // International accounting. 2011. № 20 (170). pp.27-33. (in Russian)
12. Sheshukova T.G., Razyvaeva К.V. On use of the concepts of «budgetary accounting» and «accounting» in state-financed organisations // Vestnik of Orenburg State University. 2011. № 5(124). pp.68-73. (in Russian)