Kinetics and Mechanisms of Surface Processes on Interphase Borders of Metallic and Non-metallic Materials with Condensed and Non-condensed Media. Creation of New Functional Electrode Materials and Electrochemical Technologies

Basic Divisions: Department of Physical Chemistry, Еelectrochemical laboratory of Natural Sciences Institute (NSI).
Brief Description of Research Activities
Within the research field are  fundamental researches and application techniques in Physical Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Corrosion Science that are united by the general strategic goal – synthesis, analysis and development of new technologies for polyfunctional materials.
Within this research field from 2003 to 2009 were issued 302 publications, received 2 patents, published 5 dissertations.
Some Publications Characterizing the Field of Research
Department of Physical Chemistry
1. Shein А.B., Zubova Е.N. Electrochemical Behaviour of Mn5Si3 and Mn5Ge3 in Sulphate Electrolyte // J. ERlectrochemistry. 2004. Vol.40, No.2. pp. 222-227. (In Russian)
2. Shein А.B., Sergeeva I.L.  Electrochemical Corrosion Behaviour of Monosilicide of Nickel in the Alkaline Electrolyte // J. Protection of Metals. 2004. Vol.40, No6. pp. 617-623. (In Russian)
3. Shein А.B., Sergeeva I.L. Anodic Dissolution of Cobalt Silicides in Alkaline Electrolyte // J. Protection of Metals. 2004. Vol.40, No.6.pp. 624-628. (In Russian)
4. Shein А.B, Zubova E.N. Chemical Behaviour of Manganese Silicides in Sulfuric Acid// J. Protection of Metals. 2005. Vol.41, No. 3, pp/ 258-266. (In Russian)
5. Chernyadiev I.N., Shein А.B, Nedugov A.N. Study of Organic Derivatives of 6A Group Elements as Inhibitors of Steel Acid Corrosion //J.  Protection of Metals. 2005. Vol.41, No.5. pp. 473-478. (In Russian)
6. Chernyadiev I.N., Shein А.B., Nedugov А.N. Telluronium Salts – Inhibitors of Acid Corrosion of Iron and Steel//J. Corrosion: 2005. No.11. pp.44-48. (In Russian)
7. Shein А.B., Denisova А.V.  Selection of Effective Corrosion Inhibitors for Acid Processing of Wells // J. Protection of Metals. 2006. Vol.42, No.1. pp.39-42. (In Russian)
8. Rakityanskaya I.L., Shein А.B.  Anodic Behaviour of Iron Triad Silicides in Alkaline Electrolytes // J. Electrochemistry. 2006. Vol.42, No.11. pp. 1346-1351. (In Russian)
9. Shein А.B., Rakityanskaya I.L., Lomaeva S.F.  Anodic Dissolution of Iron Silicides in Alkaline Electrolyte //J. Protection of Metals. 2007. Т.43, №1. С. 59-63. (In Russian)
10. Povroznik V.S., Shein А.B. Effect of Internal and External Factors on Cathodic Hydrogen Evolution on Iron Group Metal Silicides in Sulfuric Acid Electrolyte //J. Protection of Metals 2007.Vol.43, No.2.pp.216-221. (In Russian)
11. Shein А.B., Ivanova О.S., Minkh R.N. Effect of Anions on Anodic Dissolution of Nickel Silicide in Sulfur Acid Electrolytes// J. Protection of Metals. 2008. Vol. 44, No.1. pp. 38-44. (In Russian)
12. Povroznik V.S., Shein А.B., Mikova I.N. Effect of Anodic Processing of Cobalt Silicide Surface on Hydrogen Evolution Reaction// J. Surface Physical Chemistry and Materials Protection. 2008. Vol.44, No.6.pp.596-599. (In Russian)
13. Kichigin V.I., Petukhov I.V., Kalashnikova М.Yu., Isaev О.Yu. Corrosion of 20Х13 Steel in Contact with Foil of Thermoexpanded Graphite in Neutral Media//J. Corrosions: Materials, Protection. 2004. No. 4. pp.15-18. (In Russian)
14. Kichigin V.I., Sezemina N.А., Petukhov I.V., Kalashnikova М.Yu., Isaev О.Yu. Effect of Thermoexpanded Graphite Foil Thermal Treatment on Corrosion Behaviour of Contacting 20Х13 Steel // J. Corrosion: Materials, Protection. 2004. No. 5. pp.26-31. (In Russian)
15. Kichigin V.I., Bezmaternykh N.V., Kichigina N.А., Koscheev О.P., Perelman О.М., Rabinovich А.I. Corrosion of Some Powder Metallurgy Materials in Sodium Chloride Solution // J. Corrosion: Materials, Protection. 2004. No. 11. pp.5-9. (In Russian)
16. Kim Ya.R., Tsygankova L.Е., Kichigin V.I. Corrosion Inhibition and Steel Hydrogenation in Simulated Groundwater// J. Corrosion: Materials, Protection. 2005. No. 8. pp.30-37. (In Russian)
17. Vagapov R.К., Bizyaeva V.S., Kichigin V.I. Selection of Corrosion Inhibitor for Oil Equipment Protection // J. Corrosion: Materials, Protection. 2006.  No.4. pp.24-28. (In Russian)
18. Polshina Е.Yu., Kichigin V.I., Shavkunov S.P. Tetra-alkyl-ammonium Salts Adsorption on Porous Iron Electrode and its Effect on Electrode Reaction Kinetics// J. Corrosion: Materials, Protection. 2006. No. 8. pp.2-9. (In Russian)
19. Kichigin V.I., Oschepkov D.А., Bezmaternykh N.V., Koscheev О.P., Rabinovich А.I., Perelman О.М., Polyakova М.V. Powder Stainless 316L Steel Corrosion in Sodium Chloride Solution // J.Corrosion: Materials, Protection. 2006. No. 9. pp.2-7. (In Russian)
20. Vigdorovich V.I., Sinotina S.Е., Tsygankova L.Е., Kichigin V.I. Corrosion Inhibiting and Hydrogenation of Carbon Steel in Hydrogen Sulfide and Carbon Dioxide Environment by Low Concentrated Ethoxylated Amine Salts// J. Applied Chemistry. 2006. Vol.79, No. 5. pp.770-777. (In Russian)
21. Rakitin А.R., Kichigin V.I. Iron Electrode Impedance under Deposition of Carbonate Sediment on it from the Simulated Groundwater// J.Corrosion: Materials, Protection. 2007. No.3. pp. 43-47. (In Russian)
22. Tsygankova L.E., Vigdorovich V.I., Kichigin V.I., Kuznetsova E. Inhibition of Carbon Steel Corrosion in Media with H2S Studied by Impedance Spectroscopy Method // Surface and Interface Analysis. 2008. Vol. 40, Nos. 3-4. pp.303 – 306.(In English)
23. Vigdorovich V.I., Tsygankova L.E., Siniutina S.E., Kichigin V.I. Estimation of Inhibitor Efficiency against Hydrogen Sulfide and Carbonic Acid Corrosion of Carbon Steel by Impedance Spectroscopy Method // ECS Trans. 2008. 6, (24). pp. 67-72. (In English)
24. Tsygankova L.E., Vigdorovich V.I., Kichigin V.I., Kim Ya.R. Estimation of Protective Efficiency of Oil-based Compositions Containing Zinc and Graphite Powders against Steel Atmospheric Corrosion // ECS Trans. 2008. 11, (18) pp. 11-22.(In English)
25. Tsygankova L.Е., Vigdorovich V.I., Kim Ya.R., Kichigin V.I. Estimation of Electrochemically Deposited Filler-containing Oil Coatings protective Properties //J. Corrosion: Materials, Protection. 2008. No.1. p. 37(In Russian)
26. Petukhov I.V. On Mechanism of Growth of Ni-P Coatings Made by Chemical Deposition Method// J. Electrochemistry. 2007. Vol.43,  No.1. pp.36-43. (In Russian)
27. Petukhov I.V., Scherban М.G. Corroding of Chrome Coatings of Steel in Concentrated NaCl Solution // J.Metal Protection. 2006. No.3. pp. 412-424. (In Russian)
The Most Significant Fundamental Research Projects
Grants of RFBR:
“Intermetallic and Nano-Structured Compositions 0n the Basis of Magnesium with Large Accumulated Capacity of Reversible Hydrogen Storage”, 2007.
“Mathematical Modelling of the Evolution of Dislocation Structure and Properties of Metals under External Energy Influence”, 2007.
“New Corrosion-Resistant Electrode Materials Based on Transition Metal Silicides”, 2009.
Grants of Ministry for Education and Science:
“Kinetics and the Mechanism of Electrode Processes on Compact and Porous Metals, Alloys and Metal-like Compounds, Development of New Chemical-Galvanic Coatings and Technologies of their Deposition from Water- and Non-Water Electrolytes”, 2004.
“Development of New Highly Effective Corrosion Inhibitors for Acidic and Neutral Media and Investigation of Organic Synthesis Products Corrosion Inhibiting Effect Mechanism”, 2007.
“Kinetics and Mechanism of Electrode Processes on Transition Metal Silicides”, 2008.
“Development of Scientific Basics for the New Porous Nano-Structured Materials with High Electro-Catalytic Activity, Potentially Applicable in Hydrogen Energetics”, 2008.
“Electrochemistry of Simple and Multicomponent Metal-like Compounds”, 2009.
“Study of Nature and Regularities of Nanocrystal State Forming, Phase Transformations and Properties of Rapidly Quenched  Ti-Ni-Cu-Fe-H и Ti-Ni-Cu-Al-H Alloy Systems”, 2008.
“Phase Transitions in Proton-Exchange Wave Guides on Lithium Niobate”, 2007.
Training of Researchers
Postgraduate specialties: 02.00.04 – Physical Chemistry, 02.00.05 – Electrochemistry, 05.17.03 – Technology of Electrochemical Processes and Corrosion Protection.
Postgraduate entrant should be either a full course certified graduate specialist or Master. Those who successfully completed Postgraduate study with a dissertation get their first academic degree of “Candidate of Chemistry”.
Doctorate specialties are: 05.17.03 – Technology of Electrochemical Processes and Corrosion Protection.

The leading scientists

Anatoly B. Shein

15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russian Federation
Perm State University
Faculty of Chemistry
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