Structure, Dynamics and Efficient Use of Terrestrial Invertebrates Communities

Basic Division: Department of Zoology of Invertebrates and Water Ecology.
Brief Description of Research Activities
The range of scientific problems studied within the programme: structure of invertebrates’ population; geographic variation and long-term dynamics of the structure of invertebrates’ population depending on environmental and historical factors; peculiarities of communities’ population modified by anthropogenic influence; cadastre and monitoring investigation of the Perm Region invertebrates.
Selected Publications Characterising Scientific Research Trend
1. Esyunin S.L., Efimik V.E. Diversity of the Urals spider fauna: geographic variation // Biology Bulletin Reviews. 1994. Vol. 114, № 4. pp. 415 – 427. (In Russian)
2. Esyunin S.L., Penev L.D., Golovatch S.I. Distribution and assemblage classification of spiders of the East European oak forests (Arachnida Aranei) // Arthropoda sel. 1994. Vol. 3, № 3/4. pp. 67 - 98. (In English)
3. Kozminykh V.O., Esyunin S.L. Spectra of ecological groups and the structure of Coleoptera necrobiont communities // Russian Entomol. J. 1994. Vol. 3, № 1-2. pp. 75 - 80. (In English)
4. Esyunin S.L. Diversity of the Urals spider fauna: main trends and determining factors // Biology Bulletin Reviews. 1995. Vol. 115, № 3. pp. 316 – 325. (In Russian)
5. Esyunin S.L., Efimik V.E. The Urals spiders (Arachnida, Aranei) catalogue. Moscow: KMK Scientific Press Ltd., 1996. 228 p.
6. Voronin A.G. Fauna and complexes of ground beetles (Coleoptera, Trachypachidae, Carabidae) of the Middle Urals forest zone (ecological, zoological and geographical analysis). Perm: Perm State University publishing house, 1999. 244 p.
7. Esyunin S.L., Efimik V.E., Mazura N.S. The structure of mesofauna population of the Visim reserve fir and spruce forest floor after a windbreak // Aftereffects of Catastrophic Windbreaks for the Forest Ecosystems. Yekaterinburg: Publishing house of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2000. Pp. 69-86. (In Russian)
8. Voronin A.G., Esyunin S.L. Diversity of fauna of ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in the Middle Urals: main trends and determining factors // Eurasian Entomological Journal. 2005. Vol. 4, № 2. pp. 107 – 116. (In Russian)      
9. Esyunin S.L. Geographical variation in spider assemblages (Arachnida: Aranei) of steppe and steppe-like habitats of the Urals, Russia // Species and Communities in Extreme Environment. Sofia-Moscow: Pensoft Publ., 2008. pp. 143 - 158. (In English)
The Most Significant Fundamental Research Projects within Scientific Research Trend
1. 2004-2006 – The grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Research № 04-04-96000-r2004Ural_a “Succession processes in the fir and spruce forests of the Middle Urals forest-mountain zone”.
2. 2004-2006 – The grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Research № 04-04-96055-r004ural_a “Regularities of development of the Perm Region biological diversity (case study of the Terrestrial invertebrates)”.
3. 2007-2009 – The grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Research № 07-04-96001-r_ural_a “Chorology of structure of the Perm Region invertebrates’ fauna diversity”.
The Most Significant Applied Research Projects within Scientific Research Trend, Including Enterprise Orders
Projects ordered by the Ministry of City Planning and Infrastructure Development:
1. Business contract № 65-O, date 20.06.2007 – “Cadastre and Monitoring of the status of animals, plants and other organisms included into the Perm Region Red Data Book, except the species included into the Russian Federation Red Data Book”.
2. Business contract № 56/1-O, date 13.06.2007 – “Redaction of the Perm Region Red Data Book. Stage 2”.
3. Business contract № 11-O, date 18.02.2008 – “Redaction of the Perm Region Red Data Book”.
4. Business contract № 43-O, date 17.03.2008 – “Cadastre and Monitoring of the status of animals, plants and other organisms included into the Perm Region Red Data Book”.
Training of Researchers (programmes for Post-graduate and Doctoral Courses)
Post-graduate Programme, specialties “Zoology” and “Ecology”.

The leading scientists

Sergey L. Esyunin

15 Bukireva Street, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Biology
Department of Zoology of Invertebrates and Water Ecology
Phone, Fax, e-mail
tel: +7-(342)-239-64-94, fax: +7-(342)-239-64-89, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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