Marina A. Zemlyanova
15 Bukireva, Perm 614990, Russia
Perm State University
Faculty of Biology
Department of Human Ecology and Life Safety
Phone, Fax, e-mail
tel: +7-(342)-236-39-30, +7-(342)-237-25-34, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date of Birth
Educational Background
1985 – Perm State Medical Academy, Faculty of Hygiene and Sanitation, specialty “Hygiene and Epidemiology”.
1990 – Post-graduate study, Department of Environmental Protection, Perm State Technical University.
Academic Degrees and Titles
1990 – Candidate of Medicine, I.M. Sechenov Moscow State Medical Academy.
1999 – Reader.
2002 – Doctor of Medicine, F.F. Erisman Federal Research Center of Hygiene.
Stages of Professional Career
1987-1993 – Junior Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Environmental Protection, Perm State Technical University.
1994-1998 – Assistant Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Department of Environmental Protection, Perm State Technical University.
1999-2001 – Reader, Department of Environmental Protection, Perm State Technical University.
1996-2008 – Head of Department of Biochemical Analysis, Perm Krai Research Institute for Child Ecopathology.
2009 - present time – Head of Department of Biochemical and Cytogenetic diagnostic methods, Federal Scientific Centre for Medical Preventive Technologies of Health Risk Management, Federal Service for Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.
2009 - present time – Professor, Department of Human Ecology and Life Safety, Perm State University.
Scientific Project Management
2010 – Grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Research 10-06-00328-a “Regularities of social and economic risk factor influence on the health of factory workers”.
2011 – Grantee of CRDF Technology Commercialization Project, implemented jointly with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation as part of Innovation "Basic Research and Higher Education" Programme, for the project "Microneedle applicator to improve the diagnosis of human diseases".
Current Research Activities
The range of scientific problems is as follows: optimisation of environment and public health maintenance, development of criteria for estimation of quality of environmental and working objects and health of population and employees, identification of danger of environmental chemical factors, analysis of organism responses to environmental and anthropogenic influence of chemical factors, grounding of health disorder indicators and proof of cause-and-effect relationship in the "environment - health" system. Under the guidance of M.A. Zemlyanova modern laboratory analysis methods of public health estimation were developed and implemented.
The scientific results, including 11 normative and methodic documents, 3 Study Guides and 15 reference materials, are used by Environment-oriented Service authorities, Federal Service for Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare and regional health authorities.
The scientist participated in international scientific projects, in the period of 1998-2002 M.A. Zemlyanova, as a principle investigator, carried out the research in the sphere of estimation of iodine deficiency cases in the Perm Region in conditions of environmental and anthropogenic influence of chemical factors, in 2001-2007 – development and realisation of Target Complex Programme “Medical and environmental rehabilitation of the Perm Region territory and population”, in 2008-2009 - development and realisation of the section Target Complex Programme “Risk estimation and management regarding the Perm Region population health in conditions of negative environmental influence”, in 2009-2011 – implementation of a section of the Federal Target Program “The National System of Chemical and Biological Security of the Russian Federation (2009-2013)”.
Based on the theoretical and methodological principles of diagnostics of environmentally determined diseases of the people living in the extreme stressful environment the scientists achieved the data for diagnostics of ecological maladjustment cases and ecological or endemic pathology in child and adult population and employees. Over 10 types and technologies of diagnostics and prophylactics of environmentally determined child status were developed. Committee of the Russian Federation for Patents and Trademarks has granted a priority to a series of developed procedures.
Total Number of Publications
Scientific articles – 150.
Monographs – 4.
Study guides – 4.
Patents, inventor's certificates – 11.
Scientific discovery – 1.
Selected Publications
1. Zaitseva N.V., Onistchenko G.G., Rahmanin Yu.A., Zemlyanova M.A. Scientific and methodological aspects of ensuring of population hygienic safety in conditions of chemical influence: monograph / N.V. Zaitseva, G.G. Onishchenko, Y.A. Rakhmanin, M.A. Zemlyanova. Moscow: International Publishing Group “Medical Book”, 2004. 392 p.
2. Zaitseva N.V., Zemlyanova M.A., Akatova A.A. Epidemiological, clinical and clinic-laboratorial peculiarities of bronchial asthma nosogenesis and further disease course in the children with endemic goiter in the area impacted by anthropogenic chemical factors: monograph / N.V. Zaitseva, M.A. Zemlyanova, A.A. Akatova. Perm: Publishing House “Presstime”, 2007. 294 p.
3. Zaitseva N.V., Podluzhnaja M.Ya., Zubarev A.Yu., Zemlyanova M.A. Scientific basis of estimation of chemical risk factors influence on cardiovascular system and modeling of outpatient and polyclinic prevention disease service: monograph / N.V. Zaitseva, M.Y. Podluzhnaya, A.Y. Zubarev, M.A. Zemlyanova. Perm, 2009. 281 p.
4. Zaitseva N.V., Zemlyanova M.A., Ustinova O.Yu. and others. Ecologically determined gastroduodenitis in children (epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, prevention): monograph / Perm: Book format, 2009. – 323 p. (In Russian)
5. Onistchenko G.G., Zaitseva N.V., Zemlyanova M.A. Hygienic indication of health outcomes under environmental exposure of chemical agents: monograph / Perm: Book format, 2011. – 532 p. (In Russian)
6. Zemlyanova M.A., Tarantin A.B. Scientific and technological approaches to proteomic profile of human blood plasma / Zdorovje naselenia i sreda obitania. 2011. - № 10 (223).- p.31-34
Scientific Discovery
Diploma №294, 01.11.2005. International Academy for Scientific Discoveries and Inventions. Onishchenko G.G., Rakhmanin Y.A., Zaitseva N.V., Zemlyanova M.A., Akatova A.A. “Correlation regularities of children bronchial asthma and endemic goiter determined by a combined influence of anthropogenic chemical factors”. Registration certificate № А-360. Registration date 28.07.2005.
Patents for Invention see N.V. Zaitseva’s list of patents for invention.