Students from Germany studied in PSU

From 24 to 31 March the students from Germany have been studying at the Department of Biogeocenology and Natural Protection at the faculty of Geography. The guests of the University have learnt about the main directions of the department and analyzed the ecological condition of Chernyayevsky forest within the programme “Nature conservation and sustainable development”.
The training was held in the framework of the German-Russian Youth Exchange «Green city - Ecoactivism for change».
The practical training on the environmental diagnosis was held in a specially protected natural territory. German students have studied the valuable natural objects of Chernyayevsky forest and bioindication of ecological condition of vegetation. They have checked the age of the Gimlets Haglof and learned about the possibilities of «Resistograph» for wood examinations.
As a result, German and Russian students have prepared individual environmental projects and defended them.

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