PSU Scholars Learn to Adopt Spin-off Technologies from Portugal
In July PSU delegates participated a workshop on EU spin-off best practices. The workshop titled “University-Enterprise Cooperation via Spin-Off Companies Network” took place at the Polytechnic Institute of the City of Coimbra (Instituto Politecnico de Coimbra, Portugal).
The workshop is a part of the UNISON project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme by the European Union. The goal of the project is to develop cooperation between universities in conjunction with enterprises creating an international spin-off companies’ network.
The workshop participants enlist members of the UNISON consortium from Portugal, Georgia, Russia and China. Mr Andrey Vetrov, Vice President for Research and Innovation and Ms Natalia Dobrynina, Head of Department for Network Programs and Educational Projects took part on behalf PSU.
"Perm University will act as a launch pad for setting a network of innovation institutions, sharing experience, competencies and contacts among members. The network will promote development of spin-off companies, referred in Russia as small innovative enterprises (SIE), ” says Andrey Vetrov. In this regard, we are interested in Portuguese experience, where spin-off companies develop systematically, with a support of the state, joining academic knowledge, public interest and commercial activity. "
The workshop concentrates on best innovation enterprise practices, allowing to convert successful research into commercial activity. Leading Portuguese universities - the Polytechnic Institute of the City of Coimbra (Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra), the Polytechnic Institute of the City of Setubal (instituto Politécnico de Setúbal), The Pedro Nunes Institute (Instituto Pedro Nunes), the University of the City of Aveiro (Universidade de Aveiro) – serve as examples and inspiration for spin-off companies’ launch.
"The curious fact is universities open research rooms for schoolchildren and even kids, allowing them to have real scholars as class speakers or lab tutors". This is how the attitude and interest in science is formed in the place where the university plays a city-forming role, because about half of all Coimbra residents study or work at the university. No wonder that that the young people are not afraid to take responsibility, starting new companies, launching ambitious projects, "Natalia Dobrynina shares her impressions.
The Institute for Applied Sciences of Small and Medium Business in Berlin (Germany) and the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) will serve as the next site for studying spin-off technologies.
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