PSU International Students to Taste the Russian New Year

60 young men and 11 girls from China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Syria, Iraq, Senegal, Somali, Yemen, Algire and Morocco came to introduce themselves and learn a bit of Russian language and winter holidays. PSU International Department greeted newly arrived students with an impromptu Winter Holiday Contest. Following the show of a traditional Russian animation short “Masha and Medved’” the international students formed 3 teams – “Feyerverk” (Firework), “Yolochka” (Fur Tree) and “Snezhinka” (Snowflake) to perform joke tasks. The participants shared a great deal of holiday and sweet prizes.

For the full event album please see here:

PSU currently supports about 80 international projects in more than 35 countries around the world. In most cases international students start their studies at the Introductory Department for Foreign Citizens. After the introductory course they choose among PSU faculties or enter other higher institutions in Perm or Russia. Most bright students get a scholarship by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. PSU promotes a variety of learning and creative opportunities, this range might broaden with the participation of foreign students.  Recently a tradition of meeting the University Rector has started at PSU, encouraging students for a further progress.

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