PSU has launched a new exchange program with the University of Montana Western
Perm State University has launched a new exchange program with the University of Montana Western. Starting this spring, about 18 Russian students from different faculties of PSU will study and get their academic credits at the American University. In its turn PSU will host a group of American students from the partner University next spring.
Right now the first group of six PSU students is getting their first American experience. Our students are provided with classes ranging from business to history and English courses, with the professors of Montana Western and visiting professors, Danielle Jones, Sara Glasgow, John Xanthopoulos.
After the interesting and intensive classes, the Russian students are taking part in the events organized in the local community and on-campus, such as the International Food Fair, a Photographic Tour of Perm, and getting acquainted with local attractions. Host families are providing our students with comfortable housing.
“Yesterday we went to Benack, it’s a kind of lost cowboy’s city, as we see in it westerns. After that we visited a very vast plain were the Indians were exterminated because of genocide. On the way there the scenery was magnificent and we plunged into the hot springs in the mountains...”
“Guess what I was doing yesterday! I was cooking pelmeni and borsch! It was not red, more like a cabbage soup, because their beetroot does not give the color. We had International Food Fair, and all of us were preparing something which could be called our national dish … Our cookies (granny’s pirozhki) were the first to finish, in the first 15 minutes!”
(from the letters sent by Yulia Haliulina, the student of the faculty of foreign languages and literatures)
“I just wanted to report that you should be very proud of your students who are studying here with us. They gave a presentation on Russia yesterday that was very well organized and prepared. Our professors and students were very impressed. Also, they cooked pelmeni and borscht for a food fair that we had and what they made was delicious. We are delighted with how good of students they are, how hard they are working and how enjoyable they are to have in our classes”.
(from the letter by Danielle Jones to the PSU International department)
The next group of six PSU students will start to Montana on March,14. They are going to take classes in Economics, Biology and Sociology.
The PSU-MW exchange program is under supervision of Daniella Jones (UMW) and Natalya Dobrynina (PSU).