Pictures from Foreign Students’ Visit to the Khokhlovka Cultural Reserve

On 10 October a large group of foreign students enjoyed a tour to Khokhlovka – the open air Architectural and Ethnographic Museum, 40 minutes drive from Perm. The tour fits in the foreign students’ curriculum, providing a broader informal dive into Russian culture, language and history. 43 students from China, Great Britain, Netherlands and France joined for the tour supported by the PSU International Department.

At Khokhlovka the students learned about the interior of traditional Russian log houses, experienced native folk games, and enjoyed the splendid views of the riverside from the slope of the Khokhlovka hill, previously sacred. Going off campus provides a great chance to experience the Urals nature and simple country life – the opportunity most students from Moscow and St Petersburg universities would miss.

The Khokhlovka Architectural and Ethnographic Museum dominates a peninsular between the Kama and Chusovaya rivers and covers the territory of 35 ha (26 acres). The Khokhlovka hosts 23 unique monuments from the 17th – early 20th centuries, moved here from different places all over Perm Krai, and carefully preserved. If compared to foreign sites alike, the Khokhlovka acts as a National park, with an emphasis on history, culture and crafts.

The Khokhlovka site is an attraction for many locals as well as Perm krai guests.  The museum regularly hosts for cultural venues, including Christmas and winter fairs (January), the Maslenitsa Week (March), Great Maneuvers Historical Reconstruction Fest (June) and the Kamwa World Music Festival (August).

Please see a full Tour Album here.

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