More than 2,000 first-year students were admitted to the University
Festive events dedicated to the Day of Knowledge were held on the 2nd of September, 2013. Perm State University welcomed its first-year students.
Faculties` organizational meetings were the first event in the university lives of the new students. The Deans and the most active senior undergraduates addressed to them. The celebration continued at the University Square where they could listen to the vocal trio «No smoking».
Igor Makarikhin, PSU Rector, and the representatives of the partner institutions congratulated the students, faculties and staff on the beginning of a new academic year.
According to the PSU Rector, this year our University has broken a record – more than 2,000 young people have become full-time students of the first University in the Urals.
Traditionally, the festivities culminated in a solemn oath of the first-year students and singing “Gaudeamus”, which is a symbol of the university unity.