7th Language Festival in Perm
19 May PSU hosted for speakers in a variety of languages - experts, enthusiasts and fans of exotic "tongues", mostly from Perm local community. Young PSU scholars shared their experience in creating off-schedule classes and projects.
Rare languages - from Ancient Egyptian or Hebrew to Basque or Gaelic were accompanied by useful insights into modern language tests, such as IELTS (English), HSK (Chinese) and JLPT (Japanese). Among language experts there will also be Komi-Permyaks, native to Perm krai.
The venue formats included presentations, lectures, round tables, contests and quests, games and live communication. Fest participants ‘traveled’ through countries and continents, times and epochs; history, culture and literature worldwide.
Experts assisted participants at choosing a language of their dream.
The festival movement covers many cities in Russia and CIS countries. Language Festivals meet the "global linguistic diversity", "native language preservation", "life-long language education throughout" concepts by UNESCO.
Please see for the Perm Language Festival pictures here.