Electronic resources


Access to the electronic resources is possible from the IP-addresses of PSU: from the computers in the PSU network or over PSU WI-FI (available in the PSU hostels).


Web of Science – an online subscription-based scientific citation indexing service. Web of Science Core Collection provides deep coverage and comprehensive indexing of the journals, books, and proceedings in the social sciences and arts & humanities.





Scopus - the world's largest  abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings.


ProQuest – American company, the world's largest supplier of electronic information resources in all fields of knowledge. The company curates content that matters to the advancement of knowledge, assembling an archive of billions of vetted, indexed documents.

For PSU is available ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global – the world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses.

Springer Nature is a leading academic and educational publisher serving the needs of researchers, students, teachers and professionals around the world.

The following resources are available for PSU:

SpringerLink – a network platform that provides access to the following collections of Springer Nature:
- Springer books – full-text collection of ebooks.
- Springer Journals – full-text collection of electronic journals.
- Springer Reference – full access to reference works  on any topic.

Springer Protocols – the largest database of reproducible laboratory protocols, provides access to  verified data.

Springer Protocols

Springer Materials – provides curated data and advanced functionalities to support research in materials science, physics, chemistry, engineering, and other related fields.

zbMATH – is the world’s most comprehensive and longest-running abstracting and reviewing service in pure and applied mathematics.


• On platform ScienceDirect for PSU is available Mathematics – full-text collections of journals and books on mathematics for 2007 and 2008.


Nano – is the Nature Research solution for nanoscience and technology offering the most comprehensive collection of nanomaterial data and literature references. Currently, the database contains documents from more than 170 highly rated peer-reviewed journals of leading publishers – AAAS, ACS, Elsevier, RSC, Springer Nature and Wiley.


Nature Research (formerly known as Nature Publishing Group) is a division of the international scientific publishing company Springer Nature that publishes academic journals, magazines, online databases, and services in science and medicine.  Nature is the world's leading multidisciplinary science journal. For PSU there is an open access to Nature Journals – full-text collection of 85 magazines.



American Chemical Society – scientific organization of the United States, uniting researchers working in the field of chemistry. Journals ACS publishes high quality original research papers in all fields of chemistry. For PSU there is an open access for a collection of 15 journals in chemistry and related fields (biochemistry and molecular biology, analytical and applied chemistry, medicine and environmental sciences, materials science, and pharmacology etc.)




Royal Society of Chemistry – is a learned society (professional association) in the United Kingdom with the goal of "advancing the chemical sciences".

Royal Society of Chemistry journals – academic journals published by learned and professional societies of the United Kingdom. For PSU there is an open access to the full-text collection, which includes more than 40 journals, as well as 6 databases.



American Institute of Physics (AIP) – promotes science and the profession of physics, publishes physics journals, and produces publications for scientific and engineering societies. AIP Publishing is a wholly owned not-for-profit subsidiary of the AIP. AIP Publishing’s portfolio comprises highly regarded, peer-reviewed journals. Full-text archives of 17 journals are available for PSU. The main topics are physics (general physics, applied physics, chemical physics, physics of liquids, plasma physics).



The American Physical Society (APS) – is the world's second largest organization of physicists.  APS  publishes 13 international research journals. APS Journals (http://publish.aps.org/) have a high impact factor and a high level of trust and respect in the physical community.





IOP Publishing is the publishing company of the Institute of Physics. It publishes authoritative journals on theoretical and applied physics and related topics: mathematics, biophysics, biomedicine, astronomy and others.





Taylor&Francis – one of the largest academic publishers in the world. Specializes in the publications of academic literature and scientific journals.

For PSU there is an open access to Taylor&Francis journals on the topics: psychology, social and economic geography, sociology, biological sciences, education, economics and business.

John Wiley & Sons, Inc., branded primarily as simply Wiley in recent years is a global publishing company that specializes in academic publishing and instructional materials. PSU has an open access to the full-text collection of journals.


American Association for the Advance of Science (AAAS) – American international non-profit organization with the stated goals of promoting cooperation among scientists, defending scientific freedom, encouraging scientific responsibility, and supporting scientific education and science outreach for the betterment of all humanity

For PSU is available Science – the peer-reviewed  interdisciplinary  academic journal of the AAAS , one of the world's top academic journals.


Oxford University Press is the largest university press in the world, and the second oldest after Cambridge University Press. For PSU there is an open access to the Oxford University Press journals of broad thematic spectrum.


Cambridge University Press. For PSU there is an open access to Cambridge University Press Journals.


Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) –  a crystallographic organization based in Cambridge, England.  For PSU is available CSD-Enterprise – the database of the CCDC, contains structure data crystalline organic and Organoelement chemical compounds.

Access to the online version is available from the PSU IP-addresses. The complex of programs is installed in the Reading room of Natural Literature (Building 6, room 107a), as well as in the Reading Room of Periocals (Building 6, room 203).

Archives of NEICON scientific journals. Full-text archives of leading Western scientific journals.




Ebooks of the Oxford Russian Foundation – collection of ebooks on art, humanities and social sciences (500 titles). The collection includes a special section – «Russia».


Scientific & Academic Publishing (SAP) – an open access publisher of journals covering a wide range of academic disciplines.
- Magazines. There is an open access to more than 120 to academic journals of a wide range of disciplines.
- Conferences. SAP provides the publication of conferences materials. Selected works can be published in SAP journals.

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